Most Tiresome Film of All Time?
Strictly for crack addicts with ADHD.
shareI agree. The movie was SO incredibly BORING...and the 2 main characters were completely disgusting. Not to mention all the stupid "artsy" garbage thrown in all over the place. Was Oliver Stone bored out of his mind when he made this!??
shareNo, Stone was Stoned out of his mind. I think a lot of the film crew were partaking Durning the filming.
Awesome film IMO!
Its very fast paced. They found the balance they were going for and never let go. I can't think of one scene that doesn't belong, besides the cartoon feature, but the rest works for the most part.
shareThey were supposed to be disgusting, that was the point.
share>> Most Tiresome Film of All Time?<<
That would be Gravity. Unless your thing is hearing Sandy Bullock yelling “No, no, no, no!” several dozen times and breathing heavily for 60+ minutes.
Definitely not a movie for bootlickers.
shareThis movie is a timeless classic.
shareTarantino's absolute worst screenplay. I don't think his direction would have saved this dumpster fire.