MovieChat Forums > Legends of the Fall (1995) Discussion > Legends of the fall is boring

Legends of the fall is boring

Terrible movie.


Ah yes! The obligatory "boring" thread. Next time, include the other obligatory comment "gay interest" and get it over with. Save space for some intelligent discussion.


Having sat through this in the cinema it rates as the worst big production film I've ever seen. It was just a lot of people shouting continually for very little real reason. There was an elderly couple in the cinema also watching it, he was eating toffees and she was knitting. The fact that has stayed with me 20 years later should give an idea as to how uninteresting the film was.


Hey if u don't like Wether's originals then u can got hell! You go to he'll and u die!


I took my opportunity to ditch this film at the first advert break. Those three sons were acting too silly for me. I can't stand characters laughing at nothing.
