MovieChat Forums > Forrest Gump (1994) Discussion > Forrest Gump is a terrible, misogynistic...

Forrest Gump is a terrible, misogynistic, and racist film.

The entire movie presents a naive, parochial, saccharine vomit-inducing view of the 1960's. I don't even understand the crux or message of the movie at all. Is it that you don't need to be "sophisticated" to succeed in life? Or perhaps that conformity and not questioning authority or the status quo is the path to prosperity and fulfillment? That all leftists are domestic abusers, militant freaks, or drug addicts? I have no clue.

The racist aspect manifests in the fact that not one black character is portrayed in a positive light. All of them are mocking caricatures. Bubba is arguably more severely mentally retarded than Forrest, and serves no purpose but to make Forrest look more intelligent and to give him purpose (of course he's immediately killed off). There's also the caricatured depiction of the Black Panther Party, parroting slanderous myths perpetuated by the FBI to tarnish their image and paint them as a criminal, militant organization. Bubba's mother is a Mammy stereotype. It portrays Forrest inspiring Elvis's dance moves, which in reality were inspired by black artists. In the film, Forrests busts the watergate scandal when in reality, a black man, Frank Wills, did.

Jenny is a caricature of an abused woman. The filmmakers indulge in the myth that sexually abused women and girls are sexually promiscuous, and she is also portrayed as being manipulative. Forrest's mother has sex with the principal so that Forrest can attend a normal school.

so yeah, in short, fuck this film.


Oh here we go


I bet that idiot who wrote that is a real card at parties! Gee, let's wake up and think of ways to be offended! They can take a long walk off a short pier!


I feel dumber for having read that review.
