MovieChat Forums > Disclosure (1994) Discussion > Genre-wise, what would you consider this...

Genre-wise, what would you consider this movie more to be?

Drama? Thriller? Psychological drama or as such a thriller? Corporate drama? Science fiction (considering some rather advanced technology on display here?)? Etc?

Cheers. Or maybe a strange hybrid of these genres with a little bit of dark erotica, if there's such a thing, thrown in for (good?) measure?



I would call it just a thriller.


It does have elements of such, but it doesn't contain enough of either mystery, or suspense, or other thriller like elements like violence and murders, the notorious in this case female on male sexual harassment/assault part notwithstanding, to be classified as such, maybe a corporate drama overall, but, yes with elements of thriller, dark erotica and even a bit of science fiction to it.


Definitely corporate thriller. The erotica is collateral to the central story, which is about a decent guy getting railroaded by an unscrupulous, ambitious corporate climber.

The sexual harassment angle was sort of a red herring, tricking Sanders and the audience into thinking THAT's what the story was about, when it was really about Meredith messing up the assembly line and trying to pin her screw-up on him.


It begins as a bit of a thriller, but I think as it goes along, it becomes more of a corporate drama or corporate mystery. Also, there are no lives at stake in the climax, no heightened sense of danger, it's just about corporate maneuvers.
