Does it hold up?

I haven't seen it since the early to mid 2000s. I know that a lot of fans hold it in high regards & are against any kind of new adaptations but how well does it really hold up?

Just to be clear, this is not a hate post, I'm genuinely wondering. I remember really really enjoying it back in the day. I genuinely didn't even know about the tragedy until I was a lil older.


I saw it the first time just a couple years ago. I enjoyed it.


Yes. I saw it again last year when I got streaming, and I'd say it holds up. Under all the Gothy trappings is an atmospheric and suspenseful film, with some real sympathy for the characters. Recommended, for when you're in the mood for something dark.


Yeh, I liked it every time I've rewatched it. Story is pretty good, characters are pretty good.

Its has its own 90's style but in a cool way. It has a lot individuality. It borrows a little from Batman '89, and adds to it. I think it borrows from Game of Death. Life imitating art imitating life.

In the Game of Death story everybody thinks Bruce Lee is dead, then he comes back for revenge. In the Crow everybody assumes Brandon Lee is dead and he comes back for revenge.

Game of Death was rewrote after Bruce Lees death and they mangled the footage together with Bruce Lee look alikes to finish the film. In real life Brandon died and they mangled the Crow together with the footage shot, SFX, and look alikes to finish the film.

There was a lot more footage for The Crow than Bruce Lee in Game of Death, plus the story of the Crow stayed almost the same where Game of Death was barely anything like Bruce Lees vision for the film, hence why they showed Bruce Lees actual funeral in very bad taste, and used it in the story as if it was him faking his own death. I'd love to see his version filmed one day and not that abomination. He was shown dead in a glass coffin in his own movie.

All in all the Crow is a cool fun film from the 90s.


I don't think so at all. It almost plays like a comedy at this point.


Oh yeah very well, it’s such a great movie!


Hit 'n' miss. Wonderfully gothic feel. Love the story. Some of the bad guys are a bit cartoony.


Having just watched it for the very first's alright. A decent enough film but it's nothing special really. A 7.5 on IMDB is maybe a bit high of a rating. I'd say it belongs in the 6.5-7.0 range.


Yes. Period.

Brandon Lee would have been a superstar.

It also has one of the most powerful lines ever: “Mother is the name for GOD on the lips and hearts of every child.”


Not to mention, "Nothing is trivial," and "It can't rain all the time."


This movie is so quotable. It's not as profound, but who doesn't love, "Quick impression for ya': CAW, CAW, BANG! FUCK! I'M DEAD!"

It's also chock-filled with memorable moments. The scene where Eric goes after T-Bird and everything is finally clicking for the thug. His brain starts breaking at the strain of it. He's terrified, not just of the threat to his life, but the fact that his guy he killed is back from the dead. He knows what's coming: there's an afterlife, and it's probably going to be bad for ol' T-Bird. He panics with, "There ain't no comin' back, man!" in a crescendo along with, "Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness is." I've seen this film a bunch of times, but I always feel T-Birds fear and panic and the deep, existential darkness that strikes right to one's soul. I feel the effect Eric has. It's magnificent. And that's just one of the many moments in this film that are worthy of remembering.
