Most selfish human ever

Julia Sallinger.
I am watching this show on stream. And this person Julia Sallinger is the most selfish narcissistic all about me character ever.

For example.
She likes a boy but chooses to just be friends. That's fine.
Later, when the boy is dating her best friend, she decides she then wants the boy.
Thus basically fudging over her best friend.
Her best friend the did commit suicide after Julia did that.

Next, phase she thenn dates that boy for a while.
Then breaks up with him and gets back together with him no less than four times in two years. All at her convenienvce.
She. Never seems to take into avount the other people that are involed. There feelings .
Hurting about seven people emotionally along the way.
While she giggles.

I skip ahead.

She gets married to a guy tst she has already cheated on.
She then gets a job while married.
The Job is a volunteer job with no pay as a docent at a museum in the greater San frascisvo bay area.

Her husband who she dated and broke up with four times prior is making all the money for two people and supporting the non paid very importanypt docent. (sarcasm)

Now her husbands name is griffen and he is having hard luck at his job that supports Julia the slag.

One day she comes home with five new dresses and griffin says you perhaps only need one new dress for your unpaid docent job.

Well Julia goes offfffffffffffff on him claiming that he is horrible and all that I can't go into.

Julia is the most selfish character that I have eve seen on television.


It's funny because I just got to thinking about this show and what a heinous botch and horrible role model Julia was and came in here to see if anyone had said anything about it on the IMDB forum . . . and here we are.

I won't rehearse all the patterns of selfish, pushy, hypocritical behavior that coke-teasing hoore repeatedly engaged in because the rest of you have covered most of the bases already. And yes, the entire family with the possible exception of Claudia were maximum jerks. And the show itself became a kind of emotional torture porn. The character (and actress) who attracted me to it in the first place was Kirsten, and we know what Charlie did to her. However, the writers were downright sadistic in their "realistic" portrayal of her depression. More like they wallowed in whatever the dejour issue was.

I stopped watching maybe five episodes before it went off the air, but I don't know why I made it anywhere near that far. These are the most unpleasant unlikeable protagonists any mainstream show has ever asked an audience to accept -- and that includes criminals and murders like the Soprano "family" -- at least they weren't all total sociopaths.

And for those who would argue that the Salengers were just realistically written with the kind of flaws ordinary people have, I say not any people I willingly associate with.


Great posts in this thread. While its one of my all time favorite TV series, I agree with those that when you watch it when you are older with a different perspective(and hindsight), it definitely changes how you feel about these people.

"I stopped watching maybe five episodes before it went off the air, but I don't know why I made it anywhere near that far. These are the most unpleasant unlikeable protagonists any mainstream show has ever asked an audience to accept --"

I couldn't look away. I think aspects of that final season are ridiculous but I had to finish it. You're right though...this is a dysfunctional family and other than Claudia who I give a free pass, these people are not likeable.


She's my least favorite part of the show by far. All of the other characters I find endearing, even if they're annoying at times. However, Julia is just so selfish it's hard to feel for her.
