MovieChat Forums > Ghostwriter (1992) Discussion > READ THIS!!!! AND BE HONEST.


O.k. who actually made the Ghostwriter pen/necklace?

I made a homemade version of it. I dragged my mom to an office supply store, bought a blue pen, and hooked that onto a blue rope/string thing and wore it religiously.
I also had the composition pad, wrote down everything they did, and tried to solve the case with my niece before they revealed who it was on part 4.

How old is everyone now, who watched the show? And if the show was on now, would break out the pen/necklace and pad?

I'm 26 now, and I wish I had the opportunity to break my ghostwriter gear out.

Ghostwriter, WORD!


I made myself one of those pens (I am pretty sure I made a lot). Also I didn't use the composition book for a casebook but I think I used to fill a plain binder with those blue sheets they always seem to use on the show.

I was 9 when the show started (September 1992). I'm 23 now. I remember when it started (previews etc...) Never missed ONE episode right 'till the end. Even saw this kind of Ghostwriter special that aired sometime in the spring of 1995.

Used to catch it on PBS (WNED 17 buffalo)

Last time I saw the show was on TVO (tv ontario) in 1996. it was the case where Alex runs for class president or whatever.



who actually made the Ghostwriter pen/necklace?

They sold pens like that with the string around it, so I didn't actually have to make it...hehe

How old is everyone now, who watched the show?

I'm 23.

If the show was on now, would break out the pen/necklace and pad?

If the show was still on, I probably would. hehe


OMG - I totally did that too. To this day when I see pens w/attached cords I think of Ghostwriter. lol B/c of this show I have great handwritting.

I'm 27 now and would bust out with my GW gear in a heartbeat. :)


"I once killed a man in Reno..."


ohh wow i guess im the 15 and i the last time i watched this show was years ago i think i was in the 5th good memories i really want that show


My pen totally never worked because it was always hanging upside down :(


I did have a codebreaking kit when I was little, I wore it everywhere, my sister and I watched every day, and we actually tried to solve the cases (and even succeded a few

I am now 19 and my sister in 21 and we have just admitted to eachother, as we read this, that we would, if they started showing Ghostwriter again, watch and play along. I wish they would show it again and I miss it like hell!

Life is about jumping off the cliff and hoping to the high Heavens that you can fly!


I'm 24 now and used to come home to watch this with my brother and sisters. I also had a notebook and pen. Constantly writing stuff too. I was also really into Nancy Drew so I really was into writing as a kid. I remember writing mysteries in grade school when we were supposed to write stories. My teachers were impressed lol!

If the show was out on dvd, I'd buy it. I would also get my nephew involved in solving the cases and he is only five! Hah! :)

I wish I had my old gear too!!


I can't remember if I had a pen necklace, but I know I had a casebook. I even tried to solve my own classroom case (Who Is Stealing the Teacher's Stickers) with my friend.

I'm 21 now and if Ghostwriter was still on tv I would watch it every day just like I did 15 years ago.
