According to a recent interview with Jennifer Anniston, people now find it offensive.
Wow, I don't recall it ever being offensive. Why would it be? Anyone care to explain? I've haven't seen that many episodes of it but I really don't recall anything offensive.
To me the style and acting was like a throw back to Laverne and Shirley style sit coms of the 70's. You can see the actors waiting to deliever their lines, no real passion, just walking through it all, the episodes where nothing really happens. Big Bang Theory was similar in style.
The show did well for itself and now of course the Kancel Kulture Krew are up in arms about it. So everyone was white!!! How about it just being an ordinary show?
The way I've viewed these shows, sitcoms in general, are basically stage shows filmed for a tv setting. Prolly this is why they always have "clap" tracks, a representation of a live audience watching a stage play; and the actors seem to have that stage delivery style, most likely subconsciously.
I saw some sort of behind the scenes thing of Friends and they manipulate the laugh/audience track as well. They will accentuate certain reactions/tones to emphasize a moment or when a certain cast member enters etc.
I'm guessing that when these actors go through their training they no doubt are taught certain styles, in America sitcom and soapie would have to be classes as those actors all tend to act the same way in those types of shows.
They are like stage plays, they always reminded me of a throw back to Vaudeville times. On Happy Days you would often see some of the main cast becoming a little impatient to deliver their lines because the audience got so carried away when they entered.
Tiny brained individuals with nothing to offer the world are trying to sound important by pointing out non-existent BS “problematic” issues with anything they can find.
Meanwhile, viewers are telling them to F-off by keeping Friends one of the most popular syndicated shows ever.
I thought friends was a retarded show for chicks but what’s even more retarded are woke libs getting offended by it. I’m sure it has something to do with an all white cast. Stupid because there were all black shows back then as well such as Roc and Family Matters.