

I don't think they would portray Drexel Spivey as a white man pretending to be black. He still would be white, probably a Russian gangster in 2023, but the fake black angle would be dropped like a hot potato.


I do find some of the language a bit offensive actually! But this was 30 years ago. A different time.


No, and it shouldn't be allowed to fly. I think it was incredibly offensive to Black people.


Who died and made you the umpire who decides what should or should not "be allowed to fly"?

Drexel Spivey was fine.

Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken were great.

'nuff said.


I think you need a history lesson. The n-word when used by whites is synonymous with bigotry, hate and persecution.


Get lost.

It was a great screenplay by Quentin Tarantino.


King of what? Being a PC sissy?


Sissy because I stand up for the oppressed and oppose bigotry?

"Callahan"? With a name like that you should be far more aware of persecution. The Irish have been persecuted for over a thousand years by the British. Shame on you!


I bet you are a lot of fun at parties.


I'm fine.

If you watch the scene carefully you will see that Clifford Worley (Dennis Hopper) is in a position where he is being tortured to divulge the location of his son.

He uses dialogue that makes Vincent shoot him dead without giving him that information. It was ingenious trolling that served a purpose. He knew he would probably be killed anyway and he made those comments to save his son.

Plus it was as funny as Hell if you have a sense of humor. You clearly do not.
