Who won the war?

I recently used this film along w/ Geoffrey Robert's Victory at Stalingrad in an undergraduate course to illustrate the severity and enormity of the German-Soviet theater. The in-class discussions were interesting. Most students came into the class only vaguely realizing that there even WAS an Eastern front. I think that this is b/c in most American popular renditions of the war, the Russians only make a cameo in the last 2 mo.s or so to capture Berlin; What could loosely be described as the "Saving Private Ryan view" of WWII (please don't get huffy, I like that movie).

In light of this, who would you say was most responsible for the Allied victory? the East or the West? the U.S. or the U.S.S.R.? Eisenhower or Zhukov?



Russia beat the Nazis, that is a no-brainer.

America beat the Japanese, although I like to tell people it was we Brits that won the war against Japan because if Americans can go around trying to re-write history and talking poppycock then why can't I?

Americans saved our 'asses' twice despite the fact they only overtook us as a superpower in the 1940's and back in 1917 (when they joined the war a year before the end) we had 41 dreadnoughts across every ocean and the USA had 3...

It's like Belgium saying they won the Cold War...

America's claim to having won WW2 has at least some merit in the fact that their industry was instrumental, to both the western allies and Russia, and they were the largest force in the D-day landings - something that is not lost on those they helped/liberated. To boast that they saved everyone in both wars though makes them look foolish, especially seeing as material transfer during WW1 was towards the US and not from it seeing as the British Empire was at it's peak still.

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