Seriously, WTF?!

I was whole-heartedly enjoying this poignant film...up until the bizarrely gratuitous and ridiculously LONG shot of Julianne Moore's bush. I mean, was that necessary...REALLY? I couldn't sit through that scene with a straight face. It was just so...stupid. I don't GET IT! Now I'm too embarrassed to show this movie to my friends, who would otherwise be missing out on one amazing piece of dramatic art.

While I'm at it, why was Doreen walking around with her uniform zipped down below her naval? That, too, seemed unnecessary (especially considering we are to believe she's in need of a diet, and, uh, Lily Tomlin isn't exactly someone who comes to mind when I hear the word "fat"). The shot(s) of her ass worked because it was needed as fodder for an argument with her husband, but why go about your business with your shirt undone for ten minutes?

I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be B!TCHING about some lovely T&A...but it's almost like Altman was reveling in his own sexual obsession with the womanly figure, the way he had practically every one of his actresses flashing skin at seemingly random times. It's not that I blame him, but it really sticks out like a red flag in my mind when there's nudity ALL in my face and NOT for the sake of anything meaningful.

Maybe I just need to work on my prudishness, but it was just a bit too shocking at times, I guess. Did it unnerve anyone else???
"Don't fck with me, I guarantee you I'm crazier."


There's just something hilarious about flaming ginger pubic hair. The shock value alone guarantees you will laugh.


One of the great gratuitous bush shots of all time.


Prudes..prudes everywhere.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


^ this. You Americans are so uptight!
