MovieChat Forums > The Sandlot (1993) Discussion > This movie was painful to watch

This movie was painful to watch

I can't believe I'm writing this, as it's only a matter of time until I'll be flamed. First off, I'm not going to write one of those mindless posts with little to no punctuation saying that this movie sucks and giving little to no reasons. I watched this movie after seeing Stand by Me. While looking on the IMDB forums as well as Google for similar movies, I kept coming back over and over to The Sandlot. I decided to watch it, and amazingly, struggled through every moment of it. I'd viewed different posts asking which people like more: The Sandlot or Stand by Me. Just about everyone said it was a really close call, as they are both classics. Obviously, I began watching with pretty high expectations.

The acting was extremely flat. Yes, I'm aware that these kids were obviously very young, but so was Jerry O'Connell of Stand by Me (not saying he was the best of the four, but he WAS the youngest).

The idea of the supernatural dog was annoying in itself. How was a dog supposed to outsmart a large group of kids over and over? Once it escaped, why did it only chase down Benjamin Rodrguez and not the rest of the kids? How was it able to jump through a pane of glass and walk out unharmed? Once the boys freed the dog from under the fence, how could it have just taken a liking to them? Why was the dog hoarding kids' baseballs anyways? Stand by Me definitely had NOTHING supernatural, and it was written by Stephen King! It was this that made Stand by Me so believable.

What was up with those annoying sound effect that was played whenever a pop-fly started to drop? I groaned every time I heard that. There was little in the movie to let us know that it took place in 1962. Had it not been for the drugstore, the movie could have pretty much taken place during any time period. Perhaps one of the more major annoyances was the fact that the kids never really matured. If anyone remembers Stand by Me, there are several scenes when the kids start opening up to each other about their broken homes, their hopes, and their dreams. There were also several powerful scenes which featured the kids breaking down.

If I had more time to think, I'm sure I can find many more annoyances with this movie. The only redeeming thing about watching it was hearing the song Green Onions. Overall, I'm giving this movie a 3/10.

I'm aware that I've only compared this movie to Stand by Me, but that is because Stand by Me is definitely the best example of a coming-of-age tale and was magnificently put together. It had great acting, great script, and great direction. Also, many people on these forums compare the two movies together. Stand by Me was a kids movie made for adults. The Sandlot was a kids movie made for kids. I'm guessing that the only reason this movie is viewed at as a classic is because many people saw it when they were young, and it brings back sentimental memories. Even if I'd had far lower standards (for example, if I hadn't seen Stand by Me), I still would have hated this movie. So here is my challenge: explain to me why you think this movie was so good. Also, I ask that because I've actually taken the time to write a thoughtful response, you do the same. No one will take you seriously if you don't. Thank you all for reading.


You can't compare Sandlot to Stand By Me. They aren't even the same type of film. Sandlot is better compared to Angels in the Outfield or Mighty Ducks. Stand By Me is targetting a much older audience.

If you ever read the Novella that Stand by Me is based on, you realize how much more of an older audience it was aiming for. Though it is extremely close to the written version, they still cut out some very heavy material


The Sandlot captures classic Americana. It is the embodiment of patriotism and nostalgia. Every part of the movie is purely American: baseball, bubblegum, carnivals, block parties, fireworks and the 4th of July, baseball trading cards, the music, joking on each other, the PF Flyers, the humor, the scenarios, the toys (erector set etc.), smores etc. pretty much everything. It might not be a movie that could win an Oscar or the like, but it's enjoyable because it's so relate-able and American at heart. I actually don't personally know anyone that doesn't like this movie.


You are right, this movie was horrible. I couldn't even watch the whole thing as it's endlessly insulting my basic movie watching intelligence. Poor directing is the fault here. The whole idea was flawed though. It is a poor copy of several other films done by real professionals. The voice over work was the key in its failure. Poor casting.


"Someday we'll fall down and weep and understand it all, all things."


Stand By Me is a great film. It is not done in the same light as this film. It's more angry. I don't believe everyone's childhood was angry like the ones in Stand by Me. Some people actually had a wholesome childhood. Therefore acting as if Stand By Me fits for all is mistake.

Goodness is always better than anger. And in goodness films can have the ability to make people feel better about a crappy time. One cannot watch Stand by me and feel better. One can watch Sandlot and feel better. That is if you like Sandlot.

Stand By Me is drinking to get drunk.

Sandlot is drinking to feel light hearted.


One thing nobody seems to have mentioned here is..'The Sandlot' is more of a C O M E D Y...One of those exaggerated, narrated nostalgia films like 'A Christmas Story'. It's nothing at all like 'Stand By Me'.
I loved the movie, and watch at least part of it whenever it comes on. It is a stand alone doesn't need to be compared to any other film. Why would you even do that?!


One thing that nobody has mentioned yet is that one big similarity between "Stand By Me" and "The Sandlot" though they really shouldn't be compared to one another, is Hercules and Chopper.

Both films had a buildup to a big bad dog that all kids feared. But once the kids finally meet the dog they find out he's not so bad at all.


This movie is not painful to watch. It's hilarious and has a very good story.


your childhood clearly sucked..


Pfff, the Sandlot is fantastic. It stands the test of time for me - it was my favorite movie when I was a kid, next to The Goonies, and it is awful that they made those horrendous sequels to both movies. But those are other directors, other screenwriters, etc. The people involved in the original most likely had little to do with the sequels.

I love this film because it shows a summer through a kids eyes. It's relatable. There was always that one neighbor on your block that had a bunch of ridiculous stories about them. There was always that one dog you were TERRIFIED of in your neighborhood (for me it was Baloo, a monstrous and not very nice Chow-Chow). I didn't have a problem figuring out the time period of the movie - the houses, the clothes, the cars, and the entire music score made it rather obvious for me at least.

As for why was the dog hoarding baseballs...why not? He's a dog. A ball flies over his fence, he's PROBABLY gonna play with it, chew on it, and dogs are pretty possessive of their toys, so he would most likely bring it under the house with him as he did in the movie. And, due to their possessive natures, he would be very hard pressed to bring it back. All the schemes the kids devised to try and get his toys either made him defend the baseball (he'd claimed it) when they sent in Yeah-Yeah, and if you were a dog, you'd probably be curious and end up destroying a robotic moving catapult too. The way the kids saw things happen though is the way we all saw stuff happen when we were little - dramatically.

I do not think a Bull Mastiff would be able to chase someone as long and far as The Beast chased Benny, but the entire sequence is still entertaining to me.

I dunno. Think what you want - it's your opinion after all, but this movie, for me, was my childhood, and it represented every summer break adventure I had. It's very nostalgic for those of us who grew up with this film. Even if it isn't Casablanca, it's still something I'll always have on my movie shelf.


One of the best movies ever. How can you not like this? Classic.
