Why didn´t Miguel get Aids too?
What I mean is if Andy (Hanks) was already with Miguel (Banderas) by the time he had sex in the theater with the unknown gay and got the disease, how is it he didn´t pass it to Miguel?
shareWhat I mean is if Andy (Hanks) was already with Miguel (Banderas) by the time he had sex in the theater with the unknown gay and got the disease, how is it he didn´t pass it to Miguel?
shareHIV causes AIDS. Pull your head out of your ass. You also probably think that ebola is caused by hexes and malaria is spread by the Malaria Fairy
"Sucking the marrow out of life doesn't mean choking on the bone" John Keating
Malaria actually got its name from an earlier belief that it was caused by "bad air". Another failed hypothesis.
because he didn't take it in the butt,Andy only gave him head
shareOr maybe they didn't have sex.
A lot of couples have loving, fulfilling relationships without being physically intimate.
I took an AIDS and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases course while I was an undergrad. I know it doesn't make me an expert in the subject, but I was surprised to learn that just because you have unprotected sex with someone who's been infected, you don't automatically get it. I grew up being told that all it takes is once, and BAM, you have AIDS. But that's pretty much bogus. Doesn't mean you won't get AIDS, but it's not as easily transfered during intercourse as you're made to believe.
Hence, just because Andy had AIDS, Miguel was just one of the lucky ones who never got it. Mind you, I'm sure they stopped/used protection once they knew Andy had it, but otherwise, Miguel was fortunate.
OTOH, having unprotected sex once doesn't mean that you don't get it. I had a good friend who had unprotected sex just one time: he figured that the virus hadn't spread to Brazil yet. He was wrong. He's gone and the world is very much poorer for it.
It is amazing that it's no longer the death sentence that it once was. We lost too many good people in the 80s and 90s.
It is also true that there are people who have lived with it for a long time without heavy drug treatment, but those people are the exception. It's not because they live cleaner or have more happy thoughts than the next person. They just won the genetic lottery.
Mortality rate of HIV positives who take the drugs is 6.6-8.7%. Mortality rate of those who don't is 1.4%. So the whole "everyone will die if they fail to 'treat' their HIV" argument does not hold up. Nobody batted an eye when 300,000 people were killed by AZT from 1987-97. And today, HIV positives who take their drugs as they are told are dying of liver failure more than anything else, which again, is not an AIDS disease, but an effect of the drugs that we are told are "life saving".
People with legitimate arguments do not resort to name calling and personal attacks. And sorry, but I am not swayed by "HIV causes AIDS because AIDS is caused by HIV because that's what the scientific community says and that automatically makes it true and anyone who questions this is a Holocaust denialist equivalent who wants babies to die."
If the AIDS establishment had accomplished a single thing, that MIGHT be a legitimate case, but as I've said before, it has not. After 30 years, no cure, no vaccine, no lives saved, just billions flushed down the toilet, hundreds of thousands killed by failed cancer drugs, and an ongoing terror campaign in the name of fighting a tiny passenger virus. That is not my definition of success.
You AIDS deniers are a special kind of scum. Luckily nobody with a functional brain actually takes you seriously.
For those interested, wikipedia does a decent job of addressing the most common talking-points:
Most of the rest is just lies. The mortality rate "statistics" are just pulled out of his rectum.
Wikipedia says that the real guy's life partner also died from AIDS a year later.
"His partner died one year later, also of AIDS.[1]"
Yes protection does make a difference in anal sex. It protects the body from bodily fluids. Protection helps regardless of the type of sex.
shareThere are several possibilities as to why Miguel didn't get AIDS.
a) He was the 'giver' in the sexual relationship.
b) They used protection.
c) AZT (AIDS drug that Andrew was on) does actually HIV transmission, although this doesn't *really* explain why Miguel didn't get it before Andy was diagnosed and started treatment.
d) He just didn't get it. Being exposed to a virus isn't a guarantee that you will be infected.
e) He was naturally immune. This is actually possible: http://www.wired.com/medtech/health/news/2005/01/66198
f) Any combination of these factors.
I can't live with or without you...
You an still contract AIDS by being the giver I believe. I always assumed that Miguel and Andrew presumably separated after Andrew's infidelity then reunited when it was discovered that Andrew was sick.
shareI've wondered that too...I know this is an old thread BUT watching it for the first time in a looooong time. My husband's watched bits and pieces but never the entire way thru....