MovieChat Forums > Groundhog Day (1993) Discussion > What day would you not want to live over...

What day would you not want to live over over?

For me Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and pretty well any day I work. I work at a grocery store so I would hate to just do the same things and see the same people over and over again.


As long as you aren't in prison, laid up with an injury, or otherwise isolated(like say deployed on a Navy ship in the middle of the ocean) really any day is just fine and presents millions of possibilities.

Hell, even the prison one could make a decent movie. I wonder how many tries it would take to perfect an escape in the shortest amount of time so you can get out and enjoy yourself?


The day of my most emotional break up. Oh man... I don't want to relive that... ever.

This or the day of an injury or a day I was sick.


There are too many to cite to be honest, but there are even less that I would LOVE to relive everyday. Not to get into TMI territory but if I could relive the 4th of July during my 19th year of life I would probably die happy living it every day until the gods decided to cut the cord.


Oh, there are many days I would not want to live over again.

- funerals of loved ones
- the days after mom left our family (happened twice)
- days when when we had to hide from tornadoes
- the day I smashed a door in my best friend's face by accident
- the day I got banished from my fave Sims website
- any moving day
- any day involving starting school
- the day I got my head split open by a locker lock
- days when I had fights with friends (the kind that are so bad, they end friendships)
- days when our pets died
- the day we had a home invasion and got our computers stolen
- they day that stupid family held the world's loudest wedding reception in the backyard and murdered the name of music with their drunken karaoke
- the day I wasted at Iowa State University, being bored to tears at the world's most boring, torturous student tour, and being unable to finish it and see their meteorological lab (I still maintained that they cruelly conned me with the tour, and it was like pulling teeth to get them to tell me it would be four solid hours before they got to the weather lab!) Incidentally, I ended up not going there for college.
- the day I saw a twister and nobody believed me and left me terrified in the basement
- any day I got picked on and beat up by kids at school, and the teachers did almost nothing to stop it because the bullies were black
- any day where we were traveling and were stuck in 3-5-hour traffic jams outside of some city

Yeah, there are a lot of days I'd prefer not to live over again.


Those all sound pretty sad. I am sorry.


It's okay, luckily scenarios like Groundhog Day don't happen in real life.


Other than the funeral one, every scenario you listed should be your first choice for days to repeat. Keep in mind, you're reliving the day, but you don't need to do it the same way.

-[ the day I smashed a door in my best friend's face by accident.] Simply don't do it next time. In fact just take your friend and party at the playboy mansion.
- [the day I got banished from my fave Sims website.] Spend a few months learning computer hacking and take over the site.
-[any day involving starting school.] Not sure why this is even bad, but given a couple hundred attempts, you could be seen as the coolest motherfucker to ever walk those halls.

You get my point here?


Most of them.


Probably some January or February day as it's too cold to do anything


I've been very fortunate and have had a very good life with very little trauma, but the day of my dad's funeral was the most difficult day of my life by far. I wouldn't want to live that one again.
