Demolition Man 2 coming

Sly said so on his insta Q&A

I figured it might happen as DM had kind of become something of cult 90s movie and the 90s is going to be happening in a big way like the 80s .

Snipes could come back as a clone. Bullock would probably be up for it. Just set it 30y on from DM like BR2049

He also said 'Hunter' îs going to happen (remember those rumours for Rambo 5 was going to be like a SF thriller like Predator?)



Eh I'll pass on that idea. I'd rather see something that keeps the main focus on the characters all being portrayed by the original cast with some new faces mixed in like what Eddie Murphy did with Coming 2 America. Since it's an action movie that has some what of a time travel theme to it they could easily find a way to explain Phoenix being brought back again.

Like for one since both him and John Spartan were frozen for so many years. it's possible that either someone had found a way to get to Phoenix while frozen to get DNA from him that could be used to bring him back a second time in such a sequel.

Either that or while Phoenix was walking around again after being brought back in the first movie, he could have impregnated some unlucky woman who crossed paths with him at some point off screen.

For the fun of it lets say he raped some female that he came across. (yeah that's f'd up but hey, he's a f'ed up kind of criminal with 0 morals) so anyway yeah. He rapes this woman and ditches her to carry on with whatever the story had for his part in the movie next in the original film.

Years later we see this kid in his 20s being a major part of this new movie. I wont break down an entire plot as if I'm some Hollywood writer or anything, but maybe the actual pros could come up with a way for Phoenix's DNA within that kids blood or something to be a way for Phoenix to come back to life. Then boom. we have a story. Simon Phoenix meets his offspring, and possibly gets a reunion with the woman he raped all those years ago in that universe.

The Lola tech used to have Phoenix still looking as young as Snipes did in 1993 until something causes him to age into what Wesley Snipes looks like today. Which doesn't necessarily have to instantly happen so we could see a few scenes of prime Wesley before that much like Michael Douglas in the flashback 80s scenes of Antman. I think it would be fantastic.



























Maybe the Three Seashells will finally be explained.




























I feel he's a bit too old to be running around and doing all this action-hero stuff. I wish he would stick to writing and directing and producing these films and eyeing someone who could eventually take over his mantel.

I know he says he has an ego (obviously) and still wants to do this stuff, but we REALLY need a new generation of action heroes to pick up where Sly and Schwarzenegger left off.

Nevertheless, anything that's anti-PC and sure to make the snowflakes squirm is something I'm on board with, especially if Sly is attached.


Maybe it will be as bad as the Expendables films were lol!
