three seashells?
do they ever explain how that works? i have this movie on vhs so no extras to explain.
sharedo they ever explain how that works? i have this movie on vhs so no extras to explain.
shareOkay, so I've never seen this film but heard there was a reference to it in the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
I swear I've seen seashells like that in the toilets of a shopping mall in London. There, you pulled up one of the seashells, and they had a roll of toilet paper underneath. E.g. there is a toilet roll hidden underneath each seashell, in a cylindrical hole.
It's just a fancy way of hiding toilet paper from view.
Best easter egg ever from Deus Ex Human Revolution -00-13-38.jpg
Wouldn't there be times where you'd need more than three seashells, like after a particularly heavy meal of black coffee and fibre?
Yippee-ki-yay, pastel-colored resistance!
Besides never really understanding how they worked, I always wanted to know what happend when you were done with them. If I remember correctly, there was a shelf they sat on. What do you do, put them back on it when done?!
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The only explanation that makes sense is the futuristic bidet, with 3 functions activated by seashell-shaped controls. Whoever said you hold the seashells like chopsticks was pulling someone's leg. That's awkward and retarded.
That's retarded. This thread is about the three seashells in Demolition Man, not about the posting history on time travel in people's profiles. You suck at posting. Stop posting then, you're no good at it anyway. Christ!
shareSylvester Stallone has stated, in interviews, that the idea behind the three seashells was that two were used like chopsticks or to clamp together to pull waste out of the body and the third was used to scrape what was left over. No explanation was made about how they were to be cleaned or sanitized between uses.
I'm planning your downfall right now.
And clearly Stallone was shïtting us if he said that. That is so awkward and retarded, there is no way anyone would chuckle about "handfuls of wadded paper" if THAT was supposed to be a substitute. Anything resembling actual seashells "cleaning" the ass could not possibly get all of the shït out of there. Toilet paper is paper and can conform to the shape of what it's wiping, and it is absorbent. Seashells are not like that at all; completely unsuitable for that purpose.
No, obviously, the 3 seashells are controls, most likely buttons, to operate an elaborate or futuristic bidet, that actually sprays water and various cleansers up the ass to clean it.
Seashells that work like chopsticks and would have to be reused? What a load of crap!
what I learned from this movie: if you use the public stall and there is no toilet paper, look around and you may see sea shells to use instead.
shareWhat I learned: Spartan not only was a 20th century cop, he took a 20th century dump. Most likely with food and drink that's been outlawed by society.
Yeah this explanation never made any sense to me.
When they said seashells i thought they ment like seashell shaped buttons
You know One would rinse, one would wipe and one would dry/sanitize.
That seems to make a bit more sense to me =P
i thought the seashell was a gag and had to answer
and also if there were no such thing as toilets why are there sewers?
why aren't the sewers destroyed and removed allowing rats to breed?
rats in sewers means possible rats above
not a good solution whatsoever, but the whole movie had flaws and wtf moments anyways
"and also if there were no such thing as toilets why are there sewers? "
What? The urine and *beep* needs to go somewhere.
There should also be sewers for rain water.
do you really think 3 seashells are the answer to clean you i think the part of the shells do not look that good i mean think about it toliet paper seems better then that.
Bond James Bond
No, and I think it is hilarious they don't, because I find myself wondering the same thing every time I watch the movie. Me and my wife are like, "I wonder how the 3 seashells work?" and we just laugh.
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