MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) Discussion > Odo, worst ST series character...

Odo, worst ST series character...

Bitter, agressive, lacking humour, xenophobic and even worse "collaborating" with the enemy...
After reviewing the show for the 5th time, i realized how awful that guy was...

His hatred against Quark is so laughable, not mentionning his refusal of any protocol respect...

Impossible to like that character and strangely, he ends up with Kira who shares his xenophobic constant mood...

DS9 is still the best Trek show tho...


Odo wasn't my favourite character, but he grew on me as the series went along. I liked his straight forward, no-nonsense approach.


Odo actually made a list recently of the 50 best aspects of Trek.


Doesn't surprise me. I like how Odo's character developed in later seasons. His evolution from adherence to the strict letter of the law, to more of an acceptance that the law and justice can be 2 different things.


I am just now watching these shows for the first time...I think Odo is GREAT!


I thought when i saw it first...
Must have badly aged...


Odo is a deep character.

Yes he initially stands for order and justice. The show demonstrates how that instinct is flawed and leads him astray from time to time.

He also embraces love, making him very human. In the end he ends a whole war. Not by sacrificing himself, but devoting himself to full time showing his peers the right way.

Odo is a Christ character, but it isn't played heavy handed. He learns from this world and takes the wisdom to heaven. He is redeemed, and interesting throughout the show.

Have u ever transcended space & time? Yes. No. Uh time, not space. No, I dont knw wht ur talkng abt


Odo was my favorite, still is, my favorite character from the show.

He was strict, he and his deputies which I loved---the sheriff and his deputies.

He was Quark's perfect foil and early on you could see they had a relationship.

Yes, the whole morphing thing was awesome, but he had some real good uses for it too.

I remember him posing as everything from the picture on the wall, bar glasses, a gym-bag like sack, people of course, and even a spinning top. Tons more of course.

In an especially touching moment, which goes to the actor interacting with likely food coloring and glycerin mix, interacts and pleads with an ill changlining infant/"newly formed" changling. It was great to see such a vunerable (and sad on TV seeing it) side. I also loved when he was in love and was "Bedroom Eyes." It was cool to see him, in his neutral and authoritative self, playing umpire in baseball vs the Vulcans.

On two occasions he defends, ironically---but more for law and order---, his prisoners telling those who threaten him he doesn't give up his prisoners---in both cases he loses who he was transporting.

He made for a transformation in the later part of the series. I loved when he was Vic Fontaine's pupil.


Couldn't disagree more. Odo was a great character. He and Quark were designed for conflict and they played it very well. Order and discipline was encoded into Odo's DNA and Quark's nature was to thrive w/in chaos. He wasn't brave but he was very astute and knew how to take advantage of just about every situation to benefit himself. They were designed to be at odds to the point that a friendship evolved based on the fact that they actually needed each other the way that day needs night. Very well written, well acted relationship between polar opposites imo

"My Uncle still has MY nose...."


Here's the real mystery about Odo that needs answering ...

Did he ever really go kayaking with Chief O'Brien? And if not, how did he know about "Louie, Louie?"


Worst ST series character? Far from it... that goes to either Keiko or Neelix.


If you included minor characters they would be legion. Harry Kim & Neelix spring to mind as dreadful on Voyager, & ST Next Generation is full of them. Riker, the tedious Doctor & her son are pretty awful, but Counsellor Troi has be the worst & on a level of her own. Cant' think of any on DS9 who are poor.


Bashir and Jadzia both grate on my nerves, especially in the early seasons of DS9. They just come off as so pompously arrogant and annoying that I want to punch them both in the face.
To be fair, Bashir mellowed out somewhat as he grew up and learned some humility, but Jadzia got even more annoying and is the main reason I haven't been able to bring myself to rewatch the series in the last couple years - just the thought of having to put up with her is too exhausting.


Rom is easily worse than both of those.


Agreed. Odo was a real we blanket through the entire run, however considering what the rest of his race was like he wasn't so bad.


To paraphrase Quark: Odo was not the least likable character in all of Trek. He was not the least likable character in DS9. He was not even the least likable character in this room.

All glory to the Hypnotoad


I adamantly disagree. Odo is one of the deepest, most fascinating and unique characters in all of Star Trek. I think his initially harsh and distrustful attitude--as well as Kira's--can be easily understood from them both having lived their entire lives up until "Emissary" under a brutal Cardassian occupation. I think Odo can also be forgiven a certain measure of wanting to understand the nature of who he was and where he came from upon discovering his people's homeworld. It was a great dramatic choice, making his people the founders and leaders of the Dominion. It created a terrific conflict of interest, from a narrative standpoint. But accusing him of collaboration with the enemy is quite a stretch in my opinion.

I only agree that pairing him up with Kira was an epic mistake, as they didn't have the kind of chemistry necessary to make it believable. I had the same problem with Dax and Worf, when Dax and Bashir had so much more chemistry. But romantic arcs always felt out of place in Star Trek, anyway. That was a level of pedestrian drama that felt better suited to soap operas than science fiction.


Go watch gomez or bieber
