It's no coincedence...

That Essence Atkins was fired for Tiffani Amber Theissen to return. They could have easily fired one of the other girls, but no they had to fire the only African American character on the show so they can add another white character this was done out of racism plain and simple. And it was a good thing this show was cancelled :)

"Pity comes to late turn around and face your fate an eternity of this before your eyes"


Too bad she didnt put up a lawsuit against them claiming racial descrimination.

She could have gotten something out of it.. if she didnt win the case (like get a settlement), then it'd at least get some publicity.
Of course the Saved By The Bell show would have been thought as racist show.. but thats what they get for being nin-kon-poops.

They're called fingers, and yet they don't fing. - Franklin, The Critic




No the show was stupid either way, but I just think what they did was racism. Honestly I think the show would have been cancelled even if all of the other girls from the original series stayed on, some things just don't work in prime time plus the last season of Bell was really stupid anyway. The person who said the show would have been cancelled quicker if she stayed on must be stupid, the show only lasted a season, and the other two girls offered nothing unique or interseting to the show.

"Pity comes to late turn around and face your fate an eternity of this before your eyes"



You must be an idiot, Alex was not funny she was just dumb and lame! Plus she and Slater had no chemistry whatsoever!

"Who says that murder's not an art?"
-Roxie Hart in "Chicago


There is no racism whatsoever. Atkins' character was written out of the show because it didn't quite fit. The character of Danielle was too close to the character of Alex. Kiersten Warren had/has more comedic timing that Essence.

The question of why the character was written out has been addressed by Peter Engel (creator of the show) several times and he has said the same thing I did everytime.






Lisa wasn't interested in doing the series. She was working on something else at the time this show aired, I think this was when she was playing on a couple of soaps for a while.

"Who says that murder's not an art?"
-Roxie Hart in "Chicago




Not that I know of. But I think it's pretty interesting that she is the only girl from the show that is working right now.

"Who says that murder's not an art?"
-Roxie Hart in "Chicago



yeah that's the show she is on. I had forgotten that Zack was on NYPD Blue now! That show changes actors so much it's hard to keep up with!

"Who says that murder's not an art?"
-Roxie Hart in "Chicago


Ok, first of all, it wasnt an act of racism? How bout we grow up, i gurantee that your of african american decent and it figures because you always start trouble and think everything is racism, Lark Voorhies was with saved by the bell for the whole stretch up until the college years....why didnt they write her out, she was african american, as well did Ollie, the african american nerd with the scratchy voice made quite a few appearences in SBTB, she was written outta the script simply because who would you rather have, her or Kelly Kapowski who was been there from the start....what do you think is better for ratings tough guy? I'm gonna have to go with Kelly on this one, as to your statement on why couldnt they write out one of the other two white girls?, how do you know that they didnt think those two were right for the show and Essence simply wasnt right for it. Not an act of racism, how can they producers be racist when they had a main character of African American decent the entire show?, maybe you should get your facts strait before making comments.


Mario Lopez is latino. He didn't get written out.


First of all, I'd rather not get in on this debate, it's kind of stupid, and muddles a great show that ended ten years ago. But I do want to point out a couple of things that _swell437_ incorrectly said. You mentioned that Kelly had been on the show "from the start". Not true. Zack, Screech, Lisa, and Mr. Belding were the only characters that were on the show at the begining, with "Good Morning Miss Bliss". However, Zack and Screech were the only ones to make it all the way through, with GMMB, SBTB, and SBTB: TCY, and Screech was the only character to appear in every episode of all the series'. Also, I'm not sure why you're going on about Lark Voorhies being written out of the show. She wasn't, she didn't want to be on SBTB: TCY, and I believe this thread was started to discuss why the actress Essence Atkins was fired from the show instead of the other two new girls, when Kelly came back. I also think you should check your spelling and grammar before you start bashing people on the boards. Your arguments will be taken more seriously if you statements don't sound like they're written by a second grader, but that's just my opinion. I think you ought to check your facts, before you start assuming other people don't know what they're talking about.

And, no offense _swell437_, but, honestly buddy, you sound like a bit of a racist, yourself.....

Vote Kerry/Edwards, 2004
For A Stronger America

Foster M. Wolf


Or its because it was only a pilot and nothing was set in stone. Have you seen it?

Shes really bad in that one she could have been on SBTB: New Class.........that bad.

The other two had a zing, she didnt.......

That is why she was fired.


Are you sure she was black? She looked pretty fair-skinned. Maybe they're just racist against people whose races cannot be easily determined?




In a way Peter Engel does show racism on his shows.For instance:on alot of his shows people never date the opposite race and when they do their either foreign or it dosent work out.On city guys I thought Cassidy made a good couple with El-train or even Jamal,but when they dated it didnt work out but Chris cheats on her and they still end up together.

Essence Atkins would have made the college years better.I dont like the college years because of the direction it went in but the episode I do like is the episode with Essence Atkins.

Kelly coming back ruined this show because when she came back it had too many cast members from the original.


What? Kelly didnĀ“t ruin the show. She was a totally necessary in it. She was the best part of all.


