I would prefer to Date Kat over Kimberly
I like Kimberly better as the pink ranger but I find Kat more attractive.
shareI like Kimberly better as the pink ranger but I find Kat more attractive.
shareI would pick Kat over Kim too. Why do people go crazy over Kim? Shes not ugly,but I don't she is anything Special.
IMO The Best looking Female rangers are Ashley from In Space,Maya from Last Galaxy
and the Lightspeed Rescue girls 😍😍😍
You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi
I think Kat and Kim are both very attractive, I wouldn't mind either to be honest!
Why do people go crazy over Kim?Because she's the first basically. Most people don't even know other pink rangers exist.
Because she's the first basically.
I was always more of a Kat person than Kimberly. I didn't watch much of the series once it split into Zeo and all the other things, so I wasn't aware just how much Kat continued with the franchise. I thought she was on the MMPR for just a brief time and that was it.
share"I would pick Kat over Kim too. Why do people go crazy over Kim? Shes not ugly,but I don't she is anything Special.
IMO The Best looking Female rangers are Ashley from In Space,Maya from Last Galaxy
and the Lightspeed Rescue girls 😍😍😍"
Kimberly was my first TV crush, I am sure she was many other boys crushes at the time as well, I was never a fan of Kat (once Zack left i stopped watching faithfully),best looking ranger to me was Caitlin Murphy (Ronny "operation overdrive") something about Irish girls gets me every time
Kat was a bit TOO sweet and nice to the point where it got old. She was also so incredibly bland. Kim had real character and personality, not to mention she was just an all around much better Power Ranger and love interest for Tommy.
shareI could never get into this show, I tried to watch it and tried to like it but it just was too dumb for me. I was an 80's kid so maybe I was just too grown up for it by the time it came out. Speaking about the two actresses I find Kimberly way more attractive and she gets my vote hands down. I find her extremely hot.
shareIf it were a battle of just looks, I'd say Kim and Kat were about equal. But, if we dig deeper, Kim is a clear winner.
Kimberly had more personality, in my opinion. While originally written to be the "stereotypical Valley girl," Kim evolved to have so many more layers to her character. She was vain but still caring of others. She devoted herself to Tommy romantically but still maintained her own independence in every situation (sans the movie). She was certainly not the smartest of the team but was also not the total ditz people liked to perceive her. In "Wild West Rangers," we see she's totally capable of being a leader all her own, even with an untrained, bewildered team. Her interactions with her team (both the originals and replacements) were the most dynamic of any of the others. I like Kim because where we were originally meant to like her purely for her looks, we find ourselves loving and respecting her for her personality and growth.
Kat, on the other hand, had one defining character trait during her 2.5 seasons: Girl. Originally, in her premier story arc in Season 3, her character was sly, villainous but with a secret heart of gold (or pink, as we later discover). But, after turning good (rather abruptly, I might add), all she ever did after was...be the girl. She was kind, sweet, and Tommy's love interest. Sure, she was charitable but what ranger wasn't by then? While Aisha and Tanya had spunk, quirks, and strong personalities, Kat was....just Kat. No defining characteristics beyond "On Wednesdays we wear pink!!. Also, the other days that end in "Y." Ooh, and did I mention I'm Australian? That matters, right?"
I'm not saying I disliked Kat (she's my second favorite Pink Ranger, actually) but she managed to embody everything wrong with the perception of what a Pink Ranger is. Pretty but without much depth. A fighter but no where near as talented as her male counterparts, especially the Red Ranger. She never even gets her own story arc after her first, instead simply being a part of Tommy's. Even the WAY she and Tommy become a couple isn't about her! Tommy hooks up with Kat because Kimberly finally cuts the cord. There's no build-up. Not even an episode in between! Just the writers saying "Well, Tommy's gotta date someone, right? Why not Kat? She's not doing anything else..."
Basically, I love both but I'd choose Kimberly any day. Kim is a timeless character while Kat was a pretty face to hold us over until Cassie stepped on the scene to show us that a Pink Ranger doesn't have to be just "the pretty girl." I think I would have liked Kat if we stuck with her premier arc with her starting evil and having to learn how to be good. It would have given her depth and growth. Instead, all we get is "Well, she'd the girl. That's enough, right?"
Picture this: Imagine the two girls both get a spin-off where each is the main characters. Which show would YOU want watch?
Kim had a pretty face but Kat's more my type. I would've loved to see her flipping around in short shorts like Kim often did.
shareloui_b452 pretty much said everything I felt. While Kim had real character and personality, Kat was just... there. Also, Kim and Tommy had real chemistry together, something that Kat and Tommy lacked. When they were together, Kat just seemed more like an accessory. Oh, and Kat's acting was bad. Their relationship felt very forced, like it was just there for Tommy to move on from Kim. It would have been better to just have had Tommy and Kim have a long distance relationship.
But there's good news, Amit Bhaumik, the scriptwriter for Wild Force, confirmed in an interview for Forever Red that Tommy and Kim are married. They obviously reconnected since they had an appearance together in the Super Megaforce episode Legendary Battle.
I would date whichever one was interested in me, I find them both very and equally attractive.
shareI love Kat and Kim but given the choice I prefer Kim. She has beautiful gorgeous face,eyes and gorgeous fashion.