I'm rewatching the episodes where Niles is separated and Maris has cancelled his credit cards. He's worrying about money and even clipping coupons.
But why is Niles so broke all of a sudden? Obviously Maris had the money, serious money, and he was used to a lavish lifestyle. But if she was footing the bill, wasn't he saving his earnings as a psychiatrist? Aren't shrinks some of the highest paid in the medical community?
It's not as though Niles married after high school graduation with no education and no skills.
Is he really that poor? Or is it just that he got so used to a very wealthy lifestyle that now a six figure income seems like "poverty"?
If he was working steadily as a psychiatrist, he probably made very good money, but if he may have made the mistake of pooling resources with his wealthy wife. In a divorce, the party who acts to freeze mutual assets first has a huge advantage, as does the partner who can afford the best lawyers, and the partner who is the most ruthless. If Maris got the drop on him in all three ways, then during the separation, he'd be stuck with his own current income and massive legal bills.
So yes, it's believable that a working person who is divorcing someone rich and ruthless would go through a period of severely reduced expenses, although of course he'd be well off enough in the long run. There would be a long-delayed settlement from the divorce and his own income, and he'd be well off enough even if his lifestyle was never what it had been with Maris. From then on, he'd be enough of a twat to call himself "Poor but happy".
Thanks for putting so much thought into your answer. Maybe it's not obvious from my post, but Niles idea of "poverty" and mine are many dollars apart! ha!
In the end Niles sort of got the "last laugh" when he found out just HOW Maris's family made their millions...and it wasn't in lumber! And he ended up with the girl of his dreams instead of an ice sculpture.