Martin's brother Walt
One of my favorite episodes is Beware of Greeks. The Cranes go to Martin's brother's son's wedding. But in a different episode, Martin said he never had a brother.
shareOne of my favorite episodes is Beware of Greeks. The Cranes go to Martin's brother's son's wedding. But in a different episode, Martin said he never had a brother.
shareI glad I don't depend on other people's opinions to tell me what I should like. They are very often totally wrong.
shareI'm not saying you shouldn't have this as one of your favorites. You're certainly entitled to your opinion. It's just yours is not a common opinion that I see. But if that's how you truly feel, that's perfectly fine.
shareI'm an INDEPENDENT thinker. Always have been.
shareFrasier, despite its high class comedy label,has plenty of errors .
Roz's relationship with her mother goes from one extreme to the other.
Daphne states she never had a serious relationship.
Frasier says his dad died in CHEERS
That's probably the reason why quite a few fans feel this episode was weak.
Family members are introduced as a plot device, whose existence is denied earlier in the series, and are never mentioned again even in passing.
Considering that Beware of Greeks was penned by David Lloyd, one of the best scribes for the show, and during one of the series' strongest seasons, the episode does stand out as being less good.
I don't hate it, and I think Aunt Zora is a funny character, (perhaps this episode's primary source of comedy) but then, I've realized lately that I really do like the majority of episodes.
I'm rewatching season 9 right now , which is not vintage Frasier, and, outside of the lethargic two-part premiere, and a few more installments, it's still quite entertaining.
Greeks is definitely a jarring episode,
At least with Seinfeld, pulling stuff out of the ether was a mainstay.
pritch636: "Frasier says his dad died in CHEERS
This was actually discussed when Ted Danson appeared on Frasier, as to why Frasier said his dad had died.
Yeah I caught that the other day too.
shareit's that old "Cunningham Syndrome" !!
Every Day Above Ground is a Great Day !!
You can't do years of episodes with different writers and not mess up at least a few times. Overall, the shows were excellent. Always made me laugh. And I loved the sonetimes corniness. Old fashion comedy like the Decoys episode. I found a major mistake in one of the Star Trek shows the other day Icouldn't believe I was seeing. So things happen.
shareIn series 1
Martin remarks on Frasier's and niles' untypical childhoods and lack of physical ability was the reason he never made any home movies.
And if course, later on at least one episode was centred on martins home movies!