This show seemed to glorify the idea of.....
having children growing up not knowing who their fathers were. Roz told that 20-year-old he didnt have to be involved in the upbringing of their child and he was like, great, and high-tailed it to his archeological dig elsewhere in the world. And then Alice was born and for the rest of the series Roz would proceed to have numerous relationships with men that never lasted because of how she was. Ha ha, that was all just so funny. If they had just had ONE episode where they actually ADDRESSED this issue, where Roz had a serious talk with Alice about how she DID know who her father was but that she had no idea where he was, well, that would have been something. But it never happened. I may sound like an old-fashioned prude here, but children have the right to know who their fathers are or were and if they are alive or not, so perhaps when they turn 18 then maybe they can try and locate them. That's just how I feel. I started thinking about this years ago, and I was like, why did they never officially address this issue? Because I wish they had. And then in the finale Roz becomes the new station manager of KACL but is no closer to being in a meaningful relationship with a man that she would want to marry. I always thought that was kind of depressing, to be honest. Oh well.