MovieChat Forums > Boy Meets World (1993) Discussion > Rider Strong disliking the show kind of ...

Rider Strong disliking the show kind of ruins rewatches for me

Especially the later seasons when he is an adult. I used to think it was funny. Childish, but funny. But watching him joke around and knowing he actually dislikes what he's saying while he's pretending to laugh makes it not funny anymore.



They have their moments. I mean, come on. Playswith Squirrels? Eric and Jack's whole dynamic? No matter the quality of the show, Cory and Shawn were always CoryandShawn. He was pretty much the secondary main character, him or Topanga. And the best friend that both made us laugh and pulled at our heartstrings. And the whole time he's doing it, he doesn't like it.

Yeah, I care about it. It changes watching the show for me.


He doesn't dislike it, in fact he really enjoyed his time on there, he just hates being only known for his role on there


Well, I read an interview with him saying it wasn't his taste or something he would watch so he had to separate his personal life from his professional BMW life. To me that sounds like he doesn't like it, but maybe I'm wrong.


I think he said that it's not the type of show he would have watched or been interested in watching, but he definitely realizes this show was a cut above many others of it's type.


He has been a guest on Girl Meets World so I think if he truly disliked the show he wouldn't come back for that.


There is disliking a show you were on like JanBrady/Eve Plumb but are still willing to participate in most after show things and there is disliking the show you were on like GingerGrant/Tina Louise who wants NOTHING to do with nearly anything!

[but not that Roseanne Reunion so that shows you what class TL was.]

I guess as long as you acknowledge that the show has made you what you are today, that is all you can do. You don't have to buy all the memorabilia from the show but don't snub its or your success from it.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


He only came on GMW if he could direct, write, and act in those episodes! Sounds more like just wanting more career experience.


I can't stand actors and actresses who have nothing but bad things to say about a show that "made them".

If you are really that unhappy and don't agree with things...don't resign your contract when the time comes.

And actors who diss a movie...come one, you read the script before you accepted it. You knew what you were in for. Kids are slightly different because it's mostly the parents making the choices, but even then....don't bite the hand that fed you.

If it wasn't for Boy Meets World he would be an even bigger nobody.


A lot of actors/actresses have bad things to say about past shows they've been on but it doesn't affect my enjoyment or re-watches of them.


Jaleel White once said of his Urkel character -

"If you ever see me do that character again, take me out and put a bullet in my head and put me out of my misery."

Doesn't affect my enjoyment of Family Matters.

I actually didn't know that Rider Strong hated the show. I'm guessing that, like most sitcom actors, he had a difficult time trying to escape the role after the show ended; so he threw it under the bus.
