"This movie is way better than the overrated irritating sentimental mishmash Terminator 2."
Of course. But that's not saying much. Both movies are trash - though nothing could be as utter horrible mainstream-asskissing-original-perfect-plotline-destroying-rehash-of-a-cashcow than that gimmick-based and plothole-filled irritation that is T2.
The idea that you can simply raise the dead is just completely ridiculous. Sure, if someone hasn't really died, or has just recently died, you can rejoin the 'silver cord' back to the physical body (if you heal and revitalize the physical body as well), like one famous Cosmic Messenger did. But the way it's done in this movie is just so utterly groan-inducing and impossibly stupid, that one wonders whether there is even one non-retarded brain in all hollywack.