MovieChat Forums > Patriot Games (1992) Discussion > Why didn't Alec Baldwin reprise his role...

Why didn't Alec Baldwin reprise his role as Jack Ryan?

The reasons that I keep hearing:
*According to Baldwin himself, Paramount owed Harrison Ford a lot of money and because he was a much bigger star and box office draw than Baldwin was at the time, they felt that they could get away with the switch.

*Baldwin felt that Tom Clancy was a crazy right-winger and he didn't want to associate himself any further with Clancy's stuff.

*Baldwin was making too many demands for such a young and up and coming actor.

*Baldwin was unavailable because he was doing A Streetcar Named Desire on Broadway.


I think it's mostly the first one. The other two seem more like excuses and spin after being railroaded by the studio. They had a big name available and wanted to cash in on big bucks. Hollywood had not yet become a franchise factory. I think these films would be stronger if it was a Baldwin series. Instead, they just kind of feel like Harrison Ford films, not Tom Clancy movies. Hunt for Red October was a great movie and having the same actor would have carried the weight of that film with him into future stories, making those films feel more important, and so on.
Unlike Bond, espeically back then, there's a direct ongoing continuity with Jack Ryan. Could have been very special and they probably would have cranked out a few more of them and ultimately made more money in the long run. All surfing on the back of that first movie with Sean Connery.


Yeah once Ford expressed interest or they offer it to him and he was open to it, then it was all over for AB .. Any other reason be just smoke

Imagining PG/CAPD and more with Baldwin, with Connery cameo as Ramius in one of them.


Question: Why has Alec Baldwin been on bad terms with Harrison Ford for years?

Because Baldwin made a series of sh*tty decisions involving the sequel for The Hunt For Red October, the Tom Clancy inspired action film.

While Red October was a hit, Baldwin wasn’t a major star, and so the studio decided to play hardball when they were negotiating his salary for the sequel. Baldwin and his people thought that he deserved a lot more and the negotiations sort of bogged down. Along comes Harrison Ford, who thanks to Star Wars and the Indiana Jones franchises was an A-list star. He expressed interest in the project, and given his proven track record, he got the role. While both of his films cost more, they also made as much, if not more, than Baldwin’s did.

Ford and Baldwin don’t seem to have met at the time and there was an allegation that Ford said something disparaging about Baldwin that got back to him. Baldwin claims to have run into Ford and stated that he (Ford) was skinny and short, which is odd as Ford is actually an inch taller than Baldwin and he was in relatively good shape which calls in question Baldwin’s perceptions. Either way, Ford continued as an A-list for another decade, while Baldwin’s turn in the 1994 comic book film bomb The Shadow removed him from leading man roles in big budget films.

So Harrison Ford was (and remains) top grossing and highly popular performer.

Baldwin was a television performer who has actually received more publicity in the tabloids than for his performance at the box office.

Haters gonna hate
