MovieChat Forums > Patriot Games (1992) Discussion > 0% on Rotten Tomatoes!?!

0% on Rotten Tomatoes!?!

Can someone explain to me why this has 0% on Rotten Tomatoes top critics but has 74% all critics???


Because 100% of the top reviewers (who reviewed it) gave it a Rotten. Duh.


because it really is terrible. honestly


It's got a 76%. I'm not sure what the OP is talking about.


Every critic has their own opinion. It's pure coincidence that the top critics didn't like it. What matters is the consensus.


It's 76% today.

If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!


Because the 'top critics' wanted to demonstrate how 'politically correct' they were by dissing an anti-Irish-Republican film.

Personally, I'm neither anti nor pro-Irish-Republican. Fundamentally, I think Northern Ireland belongs to the Irish and that the Brits (effectively, the English) should never have been there to begin with, but the dynamics in Ulster are very complicated, and motivated primarily by religious and historical divisions, and family allegiances, with each side harbouring very real fears of what would happen if one side or another (the Catholics/Republicans or Protestants/Loyalists) were to be fully in charge.

However, I do make the point that a lot of 'liberal' and 'anti-colonialist' critics would have been quick to savage such a politically conservative film, regardless of whatever merits it might have. I also suspect that if the film was pro-US imperialism they'd be less quick to attack it, but hey, the Europeans, particularly the Brits, make great boogeymen for American cinema-audiences, and allows American liberals to feel better about their own imperialist and blood-drenched history.

On this instance, it appears that cinemagoers/non-'top' critics were demonstrating more sophistication that the elite snobs by supporting a film that made the Brits the good guys.


I agree with you that the Brits never should've meddled in Ireland but then they meddled just about everywhere else, so at least they're consistent!

Regardless, the IRA repeatedly bombed civilians who had no control over policy and were never involved in the dispute. It's one thing to target the military or the government but civilians? That's when freedom fighters become terrorists.

Also, as time as proven, terrorism doesn't work! Only compromise and understanding (when both sides are ready) has a chance of leading to reconciliation. N. Ireland has progressed a great deal since this film was made but in contrast, just look at on-going the Israel-Palestine conflict...

Given how widespread terrorism has become (since 911) I think people are more aware now that supporting these radical paramilitary groups does more harm than good.

Additionally, we now have Islamic extremists who are willing to go further than the IRA ever did and blow themselves up in the process, graphically illustrating their blatant disregard for human life.


If you rely on Rotten Tomatoes for an honest review you have a long wait coming. I put absolutely no faith in a Rotten Tomato review and Usually the worse their review the better the movie. I even have my doubts they even watch half the movies they rate. In my opinion Netflix has a better rating system than most critics, but that is just my opinion.


You really shouldn't care about RT scores, especially since its gotten far more political in recent years. I think audience scores are better gauge of a film.


I myself don't like Rotten Tomatoes and frankly don't agree with some of their ratings. The movie Twins gets a 39% audience rating and it says this is what the critics on the site thought of it. "Though it offers a few modest pleasures for undemanding viewers, Twins leans too heavily on the wackiness of its premise to overcome its narrative shortcomings."
I feel that is being really nitpicky. And it doesn't help that a lot of comedies are wacky. That's what makes them fun. I feel like critics are really saying with that, that every single film needs to be written like it's the Godfather.


