I hate when...

I hate when I'm walking through Trafalgar square and terrorists start shooting at cars and stuff and I get caught in the middle of it all.


Yeah, sucks so much .

http://www.broadiecarpark.com/Swampy - Dead Babies in my Garage.


I also hate it when I'm walking out of the backgate at Annapolis and a poseur cadet starts trailing me and tries to assassinate me with a silencer. I also hate it when splinter faction IRA terrorists turn off the power to my house in the middle of dinner parties and use night vision and automatic weapons to try to kill me. And it really sucks weenie when gangsters spike my martini with poison and try to make me fork over the diamonds that I just made them hand over to me at gunpoint in exchange for the antidote to the poison they put in my drink...oops. Wrong movie!


I truly feel your pain. I had all of those things happen in the last week! Oh...but with the addition of my covoy of white Suburbans carrying the Director of the FBI and the US embassador to Columbia being hammered by Columbian cartel foot soldiers from an elevated position with RPG's and AK-47's and losing my longtime friend from the FBI in the process. Man, this SUCKS!


Umm, sorry to tell ya, but that's not from "Patriot Games." That's from "Clear & Present Danger"!


I hate it when the insane, vengeful IRA terrorist dies horrorbly horrorbly when he should be having fun with me, doing other stuff that does not involve guns.


I hate it that everytime I get on the bus some angry old white guy tries to blow us up if we go above 50.


...and I hate it when I'm trying to deliver mail and a tall skinny blonde with fake boobies interupts me and whips out my...whoops, that really is the wrong movie!


You hate that, huh?



...only when it turns out to be your mom and she has the clap.




I hate it when I go to a football game and a nuclear bomb goes off before the halftime show.

Sh*t sucks man...

five midgets
spanking each other
covered in thousand island dressing
is that love?


I hate it that everytime I get on the bus some angry old white guy tries to blow us up if we go above 50

It was below 50, not above.


My mistake... from 6 years ago. This is strange...


I hate it when Hollywood takes one of my favorite books and complety screws it up!

"Oh a leg""Your looking for a Leg"


Amen brother.

In Mexico senor, these are the years of sadness.




I hate seeing Fn terrorists shooting at little kids... *pissed off look*


I hate when you're watching the SAS kill bad guys on TV and then all of a sudden you lose the picture!!


I hate it when an old irish guy agrees to have a drink with me and then suddenly decides not to.



Especially when he was the one offering to pay.


I hate when I go to work, sit in front of a computer terminal all day, and then go home. I hate when the most exciting thing happening is when someone nearly side swipes me by changing lanes without looking.

God I hate that!



I hate it when a car suddenly gets in front of you & then turns.


Terrorist attacks happen with regularity in the heart of London these days.


You’re not wrong. It seemed so coincidental that an ex-CIA agent ran into that assassination plot at that time
