MovieChat Forums > Captain Ron (1992) Discussion > Favorite part in move?

Favorite part in move?

Hey everyone, whats your favorite part in this movie? Mine would have to be without a doubt when Martin gets knocked off the boat by the sander!


The waving island girl in the water scene. Love Martin's hypnotic little wave back and how it ends with Ron carrying the girl over his shoulders. Also she's gorgeous!


The beer spit-take scene of course. Not just for the kid spitting out his beer at the "hide the salami" line, but then Captain Ron's response "Aww, c'mon man"

And when Captain Ron is looking through the camera viewfinder, panning it around the deck, up in the sails at the sky, back down across the deck again, and then the sudden swoop back and close up on the mom and daughter's asses as they're sanding down the deck.


when Martin gets knocked off the boat by the sander!

I came in to say that! That is the best part in the movie! "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!"


I don't know the exact words but mine was when Martin asked Captain Ron if he could get them to ? And Captain Ron said "Sure. Any fool could find it" and Martin says "Lets hope so."
And the part where they think Captain Ron is dead.


I love the whole movie! I think it's great that this thread is 11 years old and still being answered.


Going on 12 pirate comedy ever! It's filled with slapstick, bad puns and fake injuries, fake eyeballs and fake tattoos..... It's good medicine when life is getting stale - well worth watching at least every few months. Best scene is a tossup - the runaway sander or - Martin Short tossing the guns overboard - and the "just give 'em back" follow-up line.

*Everything happens to me! Now Im shot by a child! (T.Chaney)
