There are no such things as romanian vampires! Please stop violating the romanian culture by promoting such nonsense! All romanian counts, lords and kings were freedom fighters and they were the proud of our nation and under no circumstances our leaders sucked blood. Indeed our actual leaders and politicians suck our very own blood and patience, but this is in a figuratively way and therefore THEY CAN SUCK OUR FINE AND GLORIOUS D...S! LONG LIVE ROMANIA AND ITS PEOPLE!
I was curious about visiting Romania but because of iulisspol Im never going near there. dumb dumb dumb One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
No, he was viewed with revulsion by those on the side of Christianity as well, and was a vile, hateful SOB by anyone's standard. In fact, his excesses in his vendetta against the Ottomans and by extension all Islamic culture, fostered by his years in their custody as a political bargaining tool of his own father and subsequent pathological xenophobia, remind me strongly of Adolf Hitler. Hitler was also angry with his father and directed all his hatred against a foreign culture, and what he perceived as an invasion. The novel also was a work of 'invasion literature' popular at the time, in the declining years of the British empire, and I don't think Dracula was meant to be glamorous in it beyond that of an effective villain.
Vlad didn't "see" the Turks as invaders....they WERE invaders! The irony is that the pretty awful Vlad Tepes saved Europe from being overrun with Muslims. A good part of Europe might have become part of the Ottoman Empire if it weren't for Vlad. He learned most of his murderous practices FROM the Ottomans during his time as a hostage with them. So, he is a valid Romanian hero, and actually a hero for Europe as well. Unless you welcome invading armies, whatever their source.
That was referring more to Hitler than to Vlad. Even if his (Vlads') actions helped to defend against the Ottomans, they were still barbaric beyond anything the Ottomans themselves did, and his brother Radu the Fair, who embraced Islam completely while a hostage, never turned out remotely like Vlad did. Indeed, their reactions were polar opposites, from all accounts: Radu made the best of his situation, and eventually became a Muslim convert, while Vlad fostered anger and resentment against his father (for abandoning them), the Ottomans (for holding them captive) and Radu (for defecting to the enemy). That anger became his main motivation throughout his whole life. He didn't do anything 'heroic', he was just a vicious nut in a position of authority who loved torturing prisoners, and was able to intimidate others through the unprecedented scope of his depravity.
Totally - studies show that a lack of Islam in your life leads to mass impalement and peoples' turbans being nailed to their heads. You're a clever chap, Tony.
Interesting how Vlad III (Vlad the Impaler) was against the Ottoman's when his father (named Vlad Dracul) was FOR the Ottomans. Vlad the Impaler was appointed the throne of Wallachia by the Ottoman's actually, but he rebelled against them because he HATED Mehmed II.
Vlad the Impaler was held hostage also, he learned the Quran and became fluent in Turkish while he was hostage. But he still fought in the name of Christianity.
He wasnt THAT barbaric though. His favorite form of execution is impalement, so he impaled Ottomans and put their heads on stakes on both sides of the road leading to Constantinople. It was a tactic he used to inflict extreme fear. It worked many times.
I bet it worked, and that wasn't all he did to prisoners. And you're seriously saying you don't consider that barbaric? I'd love to try what you're smokin', bud.
LOL You obviously dont know history if you think that is barbaric. Educated yourself before making that statement.
You obviously dont know how brutal Chinese Torture is, or what Hitler did in his "experiments", or what the Spanish did during the Inquisition, or what the Mayan's used to do in rituals. I can keep going.
Hitler used to cut open pregnant women up without anesthesia to experiment on them. Mayans ripped out hearts of people on a pedestal and showed them their own hearts right before they took their last breath, then cut their heads off and throw it down the stairs leading up to the temple. Thats just scratching the surface. The Assyrian people 6000 years ago were the most brutal warriors in history of mankind.
I dont see how its hilarious, but i can see what kind of person you are from your post and you dont deserve more of my time. Go back to school and then we can talk.
Hitler didn't do that, Josef Mengele did, and I know what the Mayans and Aztecs did to their sacrifical victims, willing or otherwise. What's hilarious is that you think any of this means Vlad the Imapler's actions were reasonable ones. To be honest, mate, I think you're a bit simple. Watching Discovery documentaries about History's Worst This or That does not an education make.
You're really embarrassing yourself here. If you wish to discuss barbaric acts throughout history and choose to bring up Hitler your opening statement would have garnered more respect if you had mentioned that Mengele had a free hand under Hitler's regime rather than claiming that Hitler himself cut open pregnant women.
Why don't you mention that Mengele would nail Jewish father's tongues to tables and then torcher the man's wife or children to test whether the man would rip his own tongue out to save his family or would self-preservation kick in and he'd just watch them slowly die an excruciating death?
It's clear you don't really know what you are speaking of in depth and that's fine. But if you are going to take on other people here you should be able to back up your comments with actual facts.
Vlad was a barbaric killer. Did he have just cause? Very possibly. Was he better or worse than other infamous and brutal men and actions in history? Clearly, that's debatable. But you can't have a good clean debate when the conversation deteriorates into insults.
All of your statements are true but that doesn't detract from the barbarism of Vlad the Impaler. You yourself say he did it to strike fear, which was successful. Why not just kill his enemies and dump them in a ditch? Or dispose of their carcasses in a less flamboyant manner? Because it wouldn't have the same effect as his act of barbaric impaling, right?
I don't think vampire films are attacking Romanian culture or it's people. the character of Dracula is based on Vlad Tepes, who used to imapale his victims in front of his castle, to put fear into his enemies. Isn't that correct? The legend of him drinking blood came from that i believe. Ever since the Bram Stoker novel, the character of Dracuala is based on that legend. I suppose they could produce a film where dracula comes from a place like Israel, but that would just be strange; in fact it might be a good idea for a comedy.. btw, I love and respect Romanian culture very much. i spent time in Bucharest and it is a wonderful city, filled with fascinating people. i don't see these films as any kind of insult to Romanian people.
"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'
Romania is a real country filled with real people, a proud and respectable nation. However one of the most famous fictional vampires in the world has his home there and Romanian Tourism industry takes full advantage of this and of his connection with Vlad the Impaler with the implication that Vlad Dracula became the famous vampire after death.
I think the unspoken rule is that you can do as you please with him posthumously as the vampire so long as you do not undo the notion that yes, he is a hero to the Romanian people, and in life he protected his country against the Ottoman empire.
There is an old Romanian legend that Vlad would return when his country needed him the most, much like King Arthur would return to Britain. Perhaps he did return, in spirit in that the vampire story has become the country's largest source of income.
Would you deny the ancient and beautiful country the attention and prosperity this work of fiction has given it?
I was going to disagree with you about something, but...actually, reading the whole thing over a couple times, you're pretty much right. It shouldn't take too much thought to figure out what initially had me going for a moment, but it's clearer to me now the context in which you meant it, and in that case I'd have to say you're on the button.
Also, the comparison to King Arthur is quite interesting. I hadn't thought of him that way, but it's kind of awesome.
I can't think of a witty signature right now. I like turtles.
Settle down, vampires aren't real. Read about Vlad the impaler, "vampire" lore and Bram Stoker, before you get all in a twist. It's just a book and it's just a movie.
Yes, there are. How much do you know about your own culture that you've never heard of the strigoi? Romanian vampires.
All romanian counts, lords and kings were freedom fighters and they were the proud of our nation and under no circumstances our leaders sucked blood.
Are you aware that Dracula is based on Vlad Tepes? I would say he did things which would be considered MUCH worse than drinking blood. Maybe learn a little about your own history and mythology before you make such idiotic posts in the future.