Two Girls in the car

Loved this scene....... just loved it what power turned me on.


Hottest scene ever. The driver is beautiful. Her actions and her friend posing behind her are perfect. This scene is hotter than porno.



Keep that *beep* to yourself you goddamn creepy son of a bitch!


for reel


Dude, you have got to be kidding! Don't get me wrong, this scene is pretty key to the movie. But getting turned on by it? I feel like I need to take a shower after I watch this scene!


I do it.


Hell yeah! It IS a hot scene. Just watched it though… but remember that sex is a mind game…

Long live the New Flesh!



I loved how Keitel was scolding himself toward the end of the "session"
"You piece of *beep* look what you did now!"

Licensed to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations.


Watched it yesterday and was genuinely turned on by that scene. Oh yes

You're god damn right I did!


Awesome movie and that scene turned me on also.

Hot stuff.


What you just said about Kietel scolding hisself is a very important mession in the move! So shuttle but yet effective! Brilliant!




You have got to be kidding. It's a rape scene. He is raping those girls without touching them. The scene is not about sex, it's about the abuse of power and authority. The fact that so many people seem to find this scene erotic is highly disturbing and says a lot about the culture and the times we live in.


I agree 100% !!




That scene did not involve rape and there is nothing wrong with getting "turned on" by it.


It was sexual assault and it was cruel. There is nothing wrong with getting turned on by it as long as you know it's a movie and these are actors. There is A LOT wrong with getting turned on by it if this is a real situation -- if you see two underage girls -- or any one -- being forced to do sexual things they don't want to do. They were threatened with jail, with punishment by their father, etc. They had no desire to undress or mimic oral sex and they were intimidated by this cop. Did you notice the title of the film? This is not a good man. Would you like what happened to these girls to happen to your sister or mother or girlfriend? I hope not. These were just young girls sneaking out the way countless young girls do -- that doesn't give old men the right to take advantage of them.


He raped her without touching her: that's pretty damned hot. Don't be so vanilla.

To quote George Carlin: "What, are you going to play with your prick and eat at Arby's till the end of time? Take a fcking chance now and again."

"Feel pain; eat pudding"
- Conan O'Brien


This scene was written by a women, Zoe Lund, who was pretty wild. She said the scene was meant to be both disturbing and a turn on, and she said she thought the two female characters would laugh about it later, as in "you won't believe this crazy story about how we got out of being arrested."


by akwilks2002 (Sun Mar 9 2008 03:15:02) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

This scene was written by a women, Zoe Lund, who was pretty wild. She said the scene was meant to be both disturbing and a turn on, and she said she thought the two female characters would laugh about it later, as in "you won't believe this crazy story about how we got out of being arrested."

Of course, that makes sense. It worked because the cop was a man going down in flames and that made it ok for the girls to play along as they did.

You ever wonder why women go for bad boys? Because they figure he'll be dead in a few years as a direct consequence of his actions, so they get turned on by this and want to screw his brains out.

Most women are raised to be risk-adverse goody-two-shoes always afraid of what's going to happen to them if they did this or that. But bring a crazy thug into the picture and they almost always go for him. Why? Maybe they feel sorry for him, or maybe they just want to taste some real adventure once in their lives, instead of the usual gossipy stuffy hen-house mentality they know.



Eddie Daniels (Jeresy Girl Driver)

Bianca Hunter (Jeresy Girl Passenger)

If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me!


Here's what I'd like a guy/imbecile/low life with no imagination like you to visualize. Replace the girls with yourself and replace Keitel with Bubba. Now, how hot is it for you?



So I'm an imbecile, low-life and a moron because I found something erotic? What would that make you, a man who looks down on others and judges them because of their sexual preferences?

And for the record, what is the difference between me getting raped and finding a "rape" scene in a movie erotic? Oh yeah. Fantasy. You do know most women have a rape fantasy, right? It doesn't mean that they want to get raped. It doesn't mean they'll even inact on the fantasy within a loving, trusting relationship. It's strictly FANTASY. It's people like you that are the reasons they censor films. If you can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, put the big-boy movies away and go play in the sandbox with the other 4 year olds.

Follow-up question: Why hasn't the law enforcement done anything to stop that Robert Englund? Have you seen how many people he's killed in those Nightmare on Elm Street Movies? How many more people have to die?!?!

PS - I can't believe I'm defending a half-assed post I made over a year ago. I should have just flagged you for being a douchebag who made several personal attacks against me, but I'm against censorship in all forms. So say whatever about me, but I plan to use logic to make you look like the putz you are

"Feel pain; eat pudding"
- Conan O'Brien



Most women have a rape fantasy? Well, that actually depends on the woman---and most women probably wouldn't go for that---fantasy or no fantasy---it's good that you recognize the distinction,though. To me ( I'm a woman,BTW) that scene was pretty disgusting as hell,unecessary,and it went on for too damn long---I could see how guys would get hot over it, but, honestly, that was a pretty *beep* thing to do to ANYBODY any way you look at it, and that cop was one seriously *beep* dude--the difference being that he knows that he's *beep* I got to finish watching this film, which is all kinds of *beep* from what I've seen so far. Seriously, what kind of crazy s*** was the director and his co-writer smoking when they wrote the script for this? I mean, damn!


there is something wrong with you bro. seriously. its rape. period. doesn't matter if he touched her or not. as a woman, i would spit on you if you were my boyfriend. maybe if it were two men having to anal each other it wouldn't have "turned you on' so much. get a life. and leave george carlin out of it.


You have got to be kidding. It's a rape scene.

UNless i'm mistaken about the legal interpretation, it was blackmail not rape.

Use Spoiler Tags! [spoiler]Why So Serious!?[/spoiler]



It's not rape; it's erotic in a disturbing sort of way. For better or worse, that's what humans are made of. We will never understand our own sexuality. Unless of course you are a feminist or misogynist.


some people refer to anything as rape

those girls werent raped at all...they could have said no he'd have arrested them for grand theft auto.

some people love to defend criminals.



Okey doke, chief. Have it your way. I don't give a rip how people get their jollies.



Man, I remember when rape meant forceful penetration. Now it's synonymous with sexual harassment. That scene with the nun near the beginning? THAT is rape.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


THANK YOU for saying this -- for having the guts to stand up and tell the truth. Thank you. I am sure over the years you had to put up with a lot of *beep* for posting it, so I really wanted to let you know how brave you are to have done it. It is a rape scene and anyone who likes it needs to understand that.


It is a movie scene and fantasy is ok for eroticism.


It is not a rape scene. Jesus Christ...


No.. the Bad Lieutenant should have bukkaked all over the passenger's mouth to make it more of a "bad" scene..


ooookay.....lots of sickos out there, some of whom are contributing to this thread. For the record, this was extreme sexual harassment, to the point of being in fact "verbal rape". When I watched this movie I almost had to turn it off when this part came on it bothered me so much. The need to dominate a partner to this extent ESPECIALLY WHEN IT IS NON-CONSENSUAL is pathological. The people who enjoyed watching it had best do some long hard introspection. Then get a girlfriend that does not inflate.



One of those girls was Keitels BABYSITTER at the time. It was her first and only acting job and she had no idea what the secene was going to be.

Spouse cheating online?


That (Keitel's babysitter) makes it even hotter to a certain extent!!!!


Which one was the babysitter?
Just because people think this scene is hot does not mean they are going to go out and start raping people, BTW. It is possible to be disturbed and turned on at the same time you know. We humans can be pretty complex...


Why would Kietel need a babysitter?


Fantasy is a very big part of sex and the act of engaging another person with the wished for result being sex is almost always a type of game. That doesn't mean it isn't honest or that the people involved don't care about each other.

I don't know the laws in the US well enough to say whether or not what he did was rape, but it seems to me that he would have had to touch either of those girls and force them physically for it to have been rape. I think it was probably another crime lesser than rape. I don't think masturbating in public is legal in any country (but I could be wrong).


Stop being such a feminist! And if you're a guy, then my sir, you need to get laid. I'm a girl and I thought that scene was f-in hot as hell!



It was an intense and very erotic scene, you weren't sure what he was going to do to them, and they looked hot.

Any one whos a fan of S&M no doubt enjoyed this scene very much.


I agree, except that they should stick with the girlfriends who inflate. No woman should be exposed to guys that think "sex is a mind game."

thats rich, when women use sex as a mind-game, commodity whatever you want to call it

and dont be all shocked and naive about this statement


Oh my Im so glad a girl said this too! ME TOO! I know it was wrong but oh yeah...


Yeah it's official yours Panda, is the hottest post ever, and we men appreciate the honesty. Thanks for not making us all feel creepy.

But Mortimer Niagra Falls.
It does?
Well let it?


You're welcome lol.
RIP Divine


Enforcing gender roles by appealing to stereotypes is a great way to make a point. Not.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


Okay Jerry Falwell, it's a movie called "Bad Lieutenant." And yes, he is very bad. It's a brilliant scene in it's sheer depravity. I'm sure there's a Hugh Grant movie on somewhere that you can watch with your pastor.....or maybe Care Bears would be more your speed.


Aw come on everybody!
This scene is so utterly ridiculous that its comical! Badly acted, scripted and totally unbelievable.
Firstly any self respecting lass would know just to drive off smelling the
booze on Keitel as he was not a subtle man.
Secondly the dialogue was childish I mean "show me how you suck a guys *beep*
Thirdly the masturbation scene is ludicrous especially when he's getting to the vinegar strokes, shoots, and wipes his hands and walks off!
And finally pointless, when taken in context with the rest of the sad turgid, boring mess that is the rest of the film. We have established that Harvey is bad through numerous scenes, about his lack of faith, or lack of respect for women or the copius drunk taking and drinking. So this scene wasn't needed!!!
Just another sad excuse to be controversial by Un-Able Ferrara!
So for all of those people who found this scene a turn on "GET A LIFE AND GET SOME REAL PORN"!!!!!!!!!!!
For those who found it disturbing, maybe stop leading such a sheltered life!!
For those with a hardened stomach and an eye for the comical yes it's rather amusing on account of how bad it is! BRING IT BACK ON YOUTUBE so we don't have to suffer the whole film!


Magicdust, your post is the really ridiculous part.

First, the scene has nothing to do with self-respect. It's easy for you to say, but a lot of people will be cowed by a clearly drunk and aggressive cop. It's not the same as if it was just some random pervert. A drunken lout with a gun and lots of authority will scare many people.

Second, maybe you've never had any dirty talk during sex, but it's usually not sophisticated and hifalutin dialogue. I guess if he'd said, "show me how you perform oral ministrations on a male member" it would have made more sense to you?

Third... well, that made no sense. What's he supposed to do, lie down in the street and relish the afterglow? You really, really missed the point of the scene.


good come back




Oh hohoho!!!!

Sorry for the delay in replying Dantes. I was too busy laughing and having a life and a job to read your post until recently.

Firstly I know the scene has nothing to do with self respect! I merely stated that anyone especially in a Savvy city like NY would know just to drive off as it was a drunk looking for cheap thrills and nothing more.

Second I don't need dirty talk during sex, it is childish and comical!
Third, if you read carefully I made a valid point that he was already bad,
I didn't miss the point of the scene at all. If you are looking at drawing
parallels between the cops and the rapists from the previous scene then the scene would possibly might take on something, but nah, as I said it was a stab at being controversial!

Fourth stop trying to be intellegent it clearly doesn't seem to suit you, and stop trying to justfy your existence with writing on these blogs every 5 minutes. Try University or a writing course, maybe one day you will understand!


"Second I don't need dirty talk during sex, it is childish and comical!"
Right.. Thats a RIDICULOUS comment to make. I dont think anything like dirty talk during sex is a necessity, and alot of people enjoy it, so thats a really ignorant comment.


Well theres a lot of sad people out there what can I say!

reply only sad people like dirty talk? I'm going to quote someone earlier in this thread and tell you to "quit being so vanilla."


lmao. Magicdust stays completely silent during sex and probably considers missionary under the covers with the lights off as kinky. Absolute serial killer vibes.


The guy's a cop -- they couldn't just drive off, drunk or not.

For someone pretending to be so smart, you're pretty dense.


"oral ministrations"

Sounds like a baptist preacher, or a country i would like to be ambassador to.


Oh yeah, watching Harvey K jack off gets me every time. oooofah. yeeeahhh. hot stuff. I love his firm set lower lip as he cums. so hot......yeah baby hot


LOL, he raped them without touching them?

I would've done the same thing actually...and since the movie was NC-17 I tought Harvey would make them suck it...kinda like Caligula.

Anyway, when he said they had to do something for him...yeah, I was expecting.

Beautiful movie.

"Did you ever sucked a man's cock?" - Bad Lieutenant


Watched this film for the first time over the weekend. What a movie!!! LOL. I felt strange after it. I couldnt explain it. Just off. This scene! I cant get it outta my head. What an abuse of power. It made much more of a statement having not touched them at all.


LOL, he raped them without touching them?

I would've done the same thing actually...and since the movie was NC-17 I tought Harvey would make them suck it...kinda like Caligula.

Anyway, when he said they had to do something for him...yeah, I was expecting.

Beautiful movie.

Agree with everything you've said here!

It might appear as if I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy.



I can understand being disturbed by this scene. I can also understand being turned on by it. What I can't understand is people judging the director for including it or judging its viewers based on their honest reactions. The truth is there are many people like Kietel's character walking around, some of them much worse than what went on in this scene. If you want a movie that feels real in any way you can't hold back for fear of offending someone. The movie is about a bad man. There are plenty of movies about good men. If this type of thing bothers you than you should make a mental note of that and go back to watching films that line up with your sensibilities. I'm not saying that to be dismissive, it's how I've always felt about it. It's a matter of taste. When I taste garlic toast my brain responds, "that tastes good" for others it might say, "that's gross" or "that's too much" You should judge people by their actions, not reactions.

PS: One of the best final shots/endings ever. Film making that does not paint-by-numbers, for better or worse.


For better.


I just watched this movie on demand and I guess they cut this scene out. Oh well, sounds like an interesting scene judging from this thread.


I see some people turned the movie off after this scene, but the raping of the nun didn't bother you? Overall I loved the movie especially the scene with the two girls. 8/10

Look at the night sky, where does it end?


I wonder if there was supposed to be some connection, symbolically or whatever, to that scene in the beginning with those two girls shot dead in a car?


"it wasn't a turnon because that driver girl clearly didn't know what she was doing."

That's exactly what makes it a turn-on -- relative innocence, as opposed to being some skanky slut.


A couple points:

1. There was no rape here. There wasn't even any contact, which is required for any standard definition of rape.

2. There is no such thing as "verbal" rape.

3. One could argue that it was "blackmail" or, more properly, a form of exploitation, but the truth is that the girls were breaking the law, in several respects. They were also driving while intoxicated, which is extremely dangerous to others.

Keitel gave them a choice between doing something for him, and being turned in. (To their father.) They chose the former, and offered to do "anything" if he would let them off. In reality, this was no worse than taking a bribe, and he could've taken far worse advantage of them if he wanted to.

Now, you could certainly accuse Keitel of being corrupt here, of abusing his authority, etc. But it was ultimately the choice of the girls, and they probably wouldn't even have faced any serious penalties if they had refused. They were ultimately the ones with the power, and they used it to get themselves out of a situation, because they had something Keitel wanted. Keitel is really the weak, pathetic figure in this context, because he's the one that was easily manipulated by his needs, and the beauty of the women.

The scene, more than anything (to me) shows out weak, needy, and out of control Keitel was (and it's followed by him shooting his car radio, reinforcing this point). It also, perhaps, showed him wanting to connect with some degree of relative innocence. Finally, however, it showed him as a relatively decent guy and still exercising some self-restraint -- as he let the girls go, and restrained himself from violating them in any serious way. (Given all the "power" he supposedly had, his demands were relatively tame. Some cops do in fact accept actual sexual favors in exchange for ignoring traffic violations.)


i stopped watching after this part.

kinda like cyber!

also the peeping of the nun as the nurse reads her damage...


Op I think the reason this scenes erotic (and many of the scenes throughout are) is because it’s filmed and depicted in an erotic way. They are hot, there’s no question. If they’d filmed these and portrayed more distress from the victims, it wouldn’t have been. I actually laughed at this scene.. y’knew as soon as he started asking the two girls questions what was about to happen. I was hoping for a threesome, oh well.


You know the director, Abel Ferrara DID actually direct some real porn back in the 70s, and so he probably is more comfortable than some directors doing a scene like this.

And Keitel is the most risk taking actor ever.

What REALLY gets me, though, is that, in real life, the girl driving the car was Harvey Keitel's real-life babysitter for his kid at the time!!!!


first magicdust is a *beep* ing moron whos trying to be different we all know he was hitting the rewind button on his remote again and again until he splurged all over his TV.

second Harvey Keitel is a really good upstanding cop in this film.



the driver looked like kat von d without all the tates


It was a str8 up sexual assault. Also, not all sexual assaults result in actual physical penetration... but that doesnt mean they are ok. Freaks.

I know one thing will survive.


i just jacked off to your post.

"I wrapped his ding-dong in seaweed and he's been smiling ever since!"




LOL @ all the people playing the offended-card here. The scene was supposed to be shocking, he's a criminal, a perpetrator. This movie sh!ts out a huge loaf right on top of your sanctimonious opinions.

Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice


not really, as the driver was fairly attractive.
