Jasmine's Age

I've been seeing pictures and articles on the internet talking about the Disney Princess's 'official' ages. Does anyone know if these really are official and if so where they come from? Jasmine's is listed as 15. Though I suppose that's before the birthday she has coming up in three days, it seems kinda wrong that 16 would be the MAXIMUM age by which she must marry. I know it's set in ancient Arabia but it's also a Disney movie.


so? Ariel marry at 16. And Aurora got to know (if not marry) Prince Phillip when she was 16. Remember people died young back in those days.


The OP just thinks it's strange that the MAXIMUM age is 16. It IS kinda weird that the law wouldn't give her some more time.


thats a myth if a person reached the age of 21 there life expectancy was actually around 70 they only had a low infant mortality rate ie most children born died young but any adult would have a high chance of living to around 70 but for a princess who has all the luxeries life can offer she would have a higher life span anyways this isn't actually in the past its most likely in the future since genie knew thinggs he couldn't possibly know


Weren't Ariel and Aurora around 16?


yes since in the movies Malficent in Sleeping Beauty "By the time the sun sets on her 16th birthday-she will prick her finger and die!" and in The Little Mermaid Ariel says "I am 16 years old-I am not a child anymore!" when her dad is mad she missed the concert Sebstian was putting on. Don't forget Snow is the youngest of all the princess at 14.


Since a woman wouldn't be able to rule, perhaps they wanted to marry off the princess as soon as possible to have a successor to the sultan.


Once they bleed, they are ready to marry in that culture.

Regional Manager


To be fair though, the movie never states her age. So if you want to pretend that she is older than sixteen, you can do so.

Intelligence and purity.


Actually Shia Hadith states that it is dishonorable for a man's daughter to start bleeding in his own home. (i.e. They should be married before they get their first period.)

The sad part is that over a billion people follow this belief system..


aladdin isn't taking place in ancient arabia but in a post apocalyptic future notice the genie knows modern pop culture because its taking place for into the future atleast 10,000 years


Yeah, I don't know about it being in the future. But I know the original Aladdin was an old aribic story told about a young Chinese boy. Disney just moved the whole thing over to morocco. The genie is in modern clothes bc it's a 90s movies for kids. They wouldn't be drawn to or probably understand why the genie was in an old get up.

As far as the age thing goes, it's totally weird that her maximum age for marriage is 16. But look at our grandparents/great grandparents. It wasn't uncommon for them to be married by 16 even. It wasn't that long ago that that was kind of a common thing. It's only recently you don't see women getting married until their 30s. I'm not all that surprised she is married off by the time she's 16. Since it is a Disney movie they don't officially give an age within the movie. Plus, doesn't her dad say the law says she must find a suitor by her 16th birthday? Possibly it means she must find her husband and he settled down in case anything happened to the sultan. Life expectancy wasn't that long back then and add on other countries trying to take over your kingdom...they probably didn't expect a sultan to rule that long. Look at ancient Egypt. King tut became a king at age 10. He died at age 19 and his uncle became king bc he didn't have any children and after his uncle died he had to appoint a king since he didn't have children. Back then it was extreamly important that the throne remain within the family. It was highly important that as soon as possible the young prince or princess provide an heir and a spare. In the case of tut, his family believed that the bloodline stay pure. So the bloodline was incestuous. That's ultimately what killed tut (his immune system was weak after years of that..his leg got broke in battle and he couldn't heal himself.) but bc producing an heir with the same bloodline was so important..as soon as possible him and his sister attempted to but never succeeded. It wasn't odd back then, within the royal family, to push that on someone as soon as possible. Bc it's a Disney movie they don't come out and say this but it was probably expected by her to have children by the time she was 16. Back then most started around 14. A woman's job back then, especially one that was a princess with no brother to become a king, was solely to produce heirs to the kingdom so that the kingdom would stay within the family. Disney kind of goes lightly on that topic as says she should have a suitor by the time she's 16. They push she needs to be married, I don't think. Just that she should be prepared to be. Bc if something were to happen to the sultan..she's only a princess. So it would leave the kingdom up to be conquered by another kingdom. A princess back then, in terms of value in ruling, didn't really mean anything. If she had been a guy it wouldn't have been an issue. But leaving a princess in line to rule would basically say that the kingdom has no rulership and is able to be taken. Going back to tut...his sister lived longer than tut. Tut died at 19. Since there was no heir, they passed over his sister and had to find another man to take over the kingdom. The only one within the family was the uncle. And the sister got passed around as wife to the other men that became kings to provide an heir until she died.
With all of jafar's whiny about why he should be king..I always kinda wondered if he was the sultans brother. Or just bc he was the highest ranking male after the sultan and the sultan hadn't produced a son.


Pharaohs tended to live quite a bit longer than 19. The body's metabolic (?) rate for growing is like 35, so it may have been less back then, still Pharaohs had a higher life expectancy since they could do whatever they wanted to do. Tut died way before his time, I don't think he even reigned, I bet regents held strong power over his council. It's obvious he died short of his time since his Tomb is much smaller than that of a King.

The tomb was said to be constructed as Nefertiti's tomb but was given to Tutankhamun for lack of a better plot. She was perhaps buried in a secret chamber beside him, which is why the room is so small. Egyptologists and archeologists are working together with technology to create a 3d model of the room and look through the beautifully painted walls to see if their is indeed another chamber on the other side. This was happening 6 months ago, not sure about progress since then.

It would be a shame to remove such a marvelous piece of art and structural history to find nothing at all! When/If they remove the wall it will be done in such a way that the wall comes off in one piece to be displayed as it was, at least that would be the plan, without any "uh-oh, oops!" moments, lol. So much was destroyed in World War II.

P.S. Even as a young man, born way before the great war times of the 18th-20th centuries I cant help but despise the Germans. Never the good guys, always the bad guys, even morally ambiguous people who tip to the dark side despise Germans. Ironically it's often good confused white kids in Europe or the U.S. that get the Nazi tattoos and shout "White Power" at their "Nationalist" parties. Ignorance, poor kids, I laugh at irony but that is too much, just sad.


No, it's ancient arabia, that Genie is able to make pop culture references is just comedic effect.


Snow White was 13. Some girls don't even have their period at age. All of this fairy tales are from a different time when life expectancy and infant mortality rate was a major factor in when women married.


Apparently, Snow White was 14. I've read it on various sites.


I read 13 and several imdb posters have read the same. She could be 14, there are often different sources that cite the princesses ages being off by a year or two. Whether it is 13 or 14 is of no consequence.


True, but she looks too old to be 13(or even 14 for that matter).

Sorry, I just like to be exact.


I disagree. I think she looks 13/14 exactly. She is flat as a pancake with a little girl voice. I know many women have small breasts but this was intended. She was the first and youngest princess. She looks like a baby (to me) compared to the other princesses.


I think she is 16, though she has a body of an 18+ year old


Some 16 year old girls look like that, well, she is a cartoon lol, but they have shapes. Women develop faster than men. That's one reason younger girls like older guys, not just to "show off" or whatever the reason people think it is.


I would say that Jasmine would be a teenager as most of the Disney princesses are teenagers even though their voice actress is not, I say the only big expiration to this I would say is Elisa from Frozen even through she does get to made queen. But it was revealed to be that her character's age would be 21., which is pretty old for a lot of Disney characters.
