MovieChat Forums > Aladdin (1992) Discussion > If you found the Geinie

If you found the Geinie

If you found the Geinie's, what would you wish for?


Two wishes that separately appear innocent but who combined gives me all the power in the multiverse.
With the third i release the Genie, so that no one else can make more wishes and thus compete with me.

The first two are of course secret, but if I find a magic lamp I think you and everyone else will find out pretty fast what they are.


Great now you filled me with curiosity. ?


You can't wish for more wishes, but there's no rule about wishes for MORE GENIES!!

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!


Good point. You could wish for a million different genies in a million different lamps to appear in the cave and not run out of wishes for a long time.


#1 I would wish for the ability to wish for more wishes. #2 I would wish for more wishes.

--My mission is to maintain fairness and sanity in this forum.


I'd wish for Wolverine's super human healing factor. Then my second wish would be that my blood that's been changed to make that possible would give the same ability to anyone who receives it surgically. Then I'd set the Genie free.

"No officer! I swear!" Al, Toy Story 2


- breathe under water
- a book filled with everything I've ever laughed about
- send people happy feelings through the air and they never know where it came from


All three of your wishes are practical and can be achieved through modern science and hard work today friend.

1⃣. Lookup: "Rebreather". No o2 limit ⌚, you'd still have to depressurize if you want to go deep⬇ but that wasn't in your wish!  Breathing underwater anytime. Or there's always the scuba route 🏊, but all that is extremely heavy and laborious stuff... And it's not as fun as it seems (for me anyway), it's just really, really dark down there! So pack some lights 💡🔦... Or go fictional, why not wish to have the knowledge and possessions of the fictional Tony Stark. ✅

2⃣. You can keep a diary 📖, and write down ✏ everything you remember that made you laugh  and continue to do so, years later almost everything will be complete and written down 📈📓, except the baby parts 👶🚼 where you laughed at the things you saw nobody remembers, perhaps your parents! 💏📹. ✅

3⃣. You can send anonymous donations 💸 in the mail 📫 "through the air" (mail travels by jet ✈ mostly, even on trucks 🚚 it's above ground in the air ) That would be a happy feeling  from the air from you that could remain anonymous. Or simply send letters ✉ or emails 📧 of well wishes to people/organizations, or print out thousands of good fortunes 🔖 and hand them out anonymously, or send them around the world 🌎🌍. Like I said that's a lot of hard work! But all achievable! ✅


I'd wish for 50 million dollars. Then I'd wish for my daughter's only kidney to always stay healthy. Then I'd wish for a full head of hair cus I have Alopecia.


The rules are:
You can't Wish for more Wishes
He Can't Kill Anybody
He Can't Make Anyone Fall in Love
He Can't bring people back from the Dead

Since I only get THREE wishes I can't decide which of these I would pick. I would have to think about it long and hard and I would feel bad if I didn't use at least one of my wishes to Free the Genie so it's kind of hard.

1. To have the ability to time travel forward and backward and return back home anytime I wanted

2. To have all of Donald Trump's money to be transferred to my back account and for him to become homeless

3. To Stay my Current Age (27) forever

4. To Be Immortal

5. To have The Ability to Talk to Animals

6. To Have the Ability to Fly

7. To Have the Ability to Make Myself Invisible

8. I have a Crush that I'm afraid to talk to so I would wish for her to Start Talking to Me

9. To Have the Ability to Transform myself into any Animal I wanted

10. To Know All the Secrets of the US Government

11. To Have the Ability To Read Minds

12. To know if There is an Afterlife and a God and to meet God if there is

13. To Not be Able To Feel Any Pain

Which of these Wishes Would You Choose?


A lot of people seem to miss the obvious. Jafar's second wish was the perfect wish. He was the most powerful sorcerer in the world. You don't need any other wishes. You now have the power to do anything you want and without the Genie's limitations.

Can't stop the signal.



My wish will be

1. To stop violence across the world (especially all the gun shooting)

2. I like the one poster about traveling back and forward in time I would really wish for that.

3. I know Genie can't make someone fall in love I would wish for him to send a guy that meet my credentials.


Another Wish I thought of:

To have the ability to enter myself into movies and TV shows as if they are real an interact with fictional characters (including cartoons)


1. Time travel would include all that debate about paradoxes and the butterfly effect happening. That might be a "careful what you wish for" kind of wish.

2. All of Donald Trump's money is funny, but, how would you mitigate litigation. That much money moving catches a lot of eyes and everyone would know you got it. Maybe wish for all his assets be signed over to you as a gift, then make him like a manchurian candidate so he speaks out on your behalf as to why he gave it all away lol I dont know.

3-4. Staying 27/Immortal Same thing in a way, would end up being a curse eventually IMO. Another "be careful what you wish for" assuming you could never end yourself.

5. Go a step further and wish for the ability to interpret and exchange dialogue with all living creatures in the universe. Because right now you have the ability to talk to animals, they just can't talk back :) but we know what you meant...

6. You can fly, book a flight, or go get flying lessons, or go skydiving with a wingsuit, that is fun. I would wish for Tony Starks fictional abilities! Solo flight would be cool, then the government would blast your doors down and do all kinds of experiments on you to find the energy source or how you are flying though... again I'm thinking too far into these.

7. Scratch that, cool ability though if you wanted to be a criminal or covert operations specialist to be invisible.

8. Oh my, you are young, well this is Aladdin forum.. Go and talk to her, whats the worst thing that can happen. I'm in my late 20s and the older you get you find it's the things you didn't do that you most regret. You don't need this silly wish, you have the ability to talk to her, with confidence, if you think you'll fail or look foolish then you will.

9. Pretty cool, I'd like to be an eagle and soar. Like on Game of Thrones how they "Worg"?? Some people can put their consciousness into animals.

10. I don't think you would want to know all the secrets of the U.S. Government. I don't think even the president knows ALL of them, there's no way. Certain sectors cover up their own messes so they don't have to explain things to the president, nobody knows them all, and if you did, and people knew that you did, you would be imprisoned forever, perhaps comfortably but you would have a huge security entourage listening to everything you do and following you everywhere, scratch off ever leaving the country again, and watch out for just being assassinated, your protection would be way more expensive than a bullet, bets to make sure everyone knows that you know, like Snowden did, otherwise he would have been killed.

11. I like this wish. The ability to read minds is your best wish so far I think, it could do so much for you and to help people.

12. The Ultimate question of all mankind since man became man, and how the universe was created and how what created that was created and how it all was created? I don't know if we could comprehend it.

13. Bad wish. In fact, there are people alive today that do not feel any pain. It comes with a whole shipload of problems like biting your tongue, infections, eye problems, broken bones. You can't feel things in your eye, you can't feel if something is wrong the way you are sitting, it's a curse, and a disease, it has a name, go check it out online. Go look at the videos of people who can't feel anything talking about it.

To answer your question I like #1, #4 (with ability to press stop) and #11. I'd also add world peace and prosperity but I'm not sure people are capable, it goes against our inherent nature, so it would in turn cause something else to go terribly wrong.


Always the money first...

Why not wish her 2 healthy kidneys/overall great health? Then world peace and prosperity instead of your selfish desire to look better with "hair"... I'm sorry for your misfortunes, truly... And if given the reality of the choice I'm sure you'd think about it and choose better :) No offense meant, hope this message finds you well.


How about for you to get a dictionary


If I wisht fer sum lulz you gave em to me.
