For me, it was when Kimberly blew up the apartment building and then we were supposed to feel sorry for her. I love Marcia Cross, but Kimberly was a nut case who deserved to go to prison.
I quit watching for good when they killed off Sidney, who was my favorite character
When Kyle and Taylor came on and most of the original characters left. I liked Taylor, but not a fan of Kyle even though RE was so cute. I pretty much stopped watching. I returned back off and on in the last season. The characters except for Eve, were so boring!
Honestly, I was so invested when I was watching it that I didint start to hate it until the last season. But looking back... It was never the same after season 3/4:(
Alison easily had the most screen-time during the first few seasons of the show, and the Alison/Billy relationship was at the center of a lot of the drama.
Alison easily had the most screen-time during the first few seasons of the show, and the Alison/Billy relationship was at the center of a lot of the drama.
Not to mention that the Alison/Amanda frenemy relationship was a driving force of the show - it's obvious that they tried to replace this relationship with Sam in season six (just substitute Alison in the helicopter crash) and then with Jane in season 7. All their scenes literally try to vibe off the whole dynamic between Alison/Amanda.
I loathed Alison in its original run, but I've started appreciating what she brought when I've rewatched. All shows need that sort of character.
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Season 6. Most of the regulars left and we were stuck with Kyle getting a lot of storylines which killed my interest. I didn't like Kyle or his jazz club.
I would say it started to go downhill with season 4. The problem for me was that the show became an "all-bitch"-show, none or very few of the characters were friendly to each other (except the ones that were sleeping together at the moment). In season 3 the balance was exactly right between friendships/relationships/enemies.
I would say it started to go downhill with season 4. The problem for me was that the show became an "all-bitch"-show, none or very few of the characters were friendly to each other (except the ones that were sleeping together at the moment). In season 3 the balance was exactly right between friendships/relationships/enemies.
I'm on season 4 of my rewatch through Melrose Place. The only friendship that was damaged was Jane and Jo's. The main obvious change was Jo isolating herself from everyone except Matt that season. She didn't even get a proper send off. Everyone else was friends though.
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That might be true, maybe my memory is failing me and it was more towards the 5th season. But by the 4th season the show was very heavy on villains with Richard, Michael, Kimberly, Brooke, Amanda, Jack Perezi, Hayley...Still a good season, but the balance was not as good as in the second half of season 2 and season 3.
Season 3 had more villains than season 4. Season 3 had Kimberly, Reed's parents (including the nanny with them), the cult, Michael, Peter, Caitlin, Amanda, Brooke, Alison when she was drunk, Amanda's father, the woman working for Amanda's father that killed him, the crazy gay cop that harassed Kimberly and Jo, and that guy Matt dated at the end of season 3 who killed his wife. Thinking about this, I'm wondering if this is why season 3 is the most fan favorite of them all. It was never dull during season 3. As I'm rewatching season 4 it's alright. Hayley isn't really a villain by the way. He was wanting to break up Brooke and Billy, but his direction changed and fell in love with Alison. I wish they would have brought back the cult during season 4. Sydney's character becomes dull when she gets with Bobby in season 4. I do agree season 4 isn't as good as the previous two seasons. It is however a lot better than seasons 5 thru 7.
Edit: I can't believe I forgot these two villains from season 3. Chris and Jess. They had big story arcs too that year. I'm sure there's probably more villains from season 3 I'm forgetting as well.
As I'm rewatching season 4 it's alright. Hayley isn't really a villain by the way.
Season four was good and right on track until the winter finale where Sydney drugs Jane so she has a stroke. After that it just basically treads water for a few episodes and then of course they go completely crazy with the Betsy plot and Jane/Sydney plotting to murder Richard.
Season five they try to slow the show down and, according to the show runner at the time (Frank South), "ground it more in reality"... except the plots are still as crazy as ever which creates this sort of weird paradox in the writing.
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I think the main problem with season 4 is Bobby's character. He's dull. The writers made him sort of a main character since he interacts with quite a few characters on the show. He did nothing for Sydney's character. It's a shame too because Laura is the type of actress like Marcia that can do basically any kind of story due to their talent. One of the main reasons I like season 3 a lot is because Sydney had these fun interesting stories and Laura's portrayal in the character is spot on to the situation.
As for season 5, the only real crazy stories I can think of off the top of my head was Sydney throwing herself down a flight of stairs to get back at Amanda and Taylor hitting herself making it look like Peter was abusive. Season 5 begins the change of tone Melrose Place was in the previous years. The craziness was watered down to nothing and the actors / actresses from the beginning left. It wasn't Melrose Place. Season 7 they tried to bring the craziness back with Lexi and Eve, but it wasn't the same.