MovieChat Forums > The Larry Sanders Show (1992) Discussion > Series get better or worse as it goes on...

Series get better or worse as it goes on?

I'm in the middle of Season 2...very impressed with the show.

Most comedies peak in the first two seasons and start going downhill afterwards. Does this show fit that pattern? I've heard Season 5 was exceptionally good?


I think the series did well in being fairly consistent in quality.

Its that man again!!


The tone of the show changed a couple of times. It got darker as it went on, but that only made it better.

The show continued to make you think about what was being said and in what context. There were every few throwaway lines, if any. There were also very few episodes that were played for purely comic effect as most sitcoms tend to do.

One interesting aspect of the show is that characters often disappear for many episodes at a time. But that's an example of how different this show is: who says all characters must be in all episodes?



Consistently good throughout. No shark ever appeared.
