I have seen all things comedy

And Larry Sanders is clearly the best. Name a better comedy show. I dare you to try. You'll only end up hurting yourself.



It is tough to narrow it down to just one, but I feel these are the best overall comedies (in no particular order):

The Office (UK)
Arrested Development
The Larry Sander's Show


Great list!!


I've seen everything, i've seen curb(very good up until 6th season), seinfeld(70% of episodes are very funny), community(not funny), arrested development(not that good, tries so hard to be funny), louie(very funny, very good, very original) thirty rock(not so funny), you name it, i cant even remember the names, i've seen many many top comedy shows, whole series or just single episodes/pilots

larry sanders show is the best

it's just subtle and realistic, believable, it doesnt rely on quirks, it doesnt try to clever, witty, almost every line and conversation is incredibly funny, believable and sometimes even DEEP

moreso it's a tragicomedy

i find it flawless, it doesnt have any weak spots, characters, and is my second favorite series(after the wire which is monumental)



Sorry OP I have to disagree, the most impeccable comedy ever made was Blackadder, in particular the last 3 seasons.
And also I bet I can rival your knowledge of comedy shows

..To think, I killed a cat
And might I say not in the gay way..


Yes, you're a more pretentious douche... We got it:)


Watching propery for the first time now. While I find it a very funny show I think it is very dated. I dont think it stands the test of time as well as Seinfeld. I think Friends and Fraiser are still considered the best of that era.

The thing with Larry Sanders is that he talks about his competition like Leno and Letterman which is fair enough but Arensio? I had to look him up cos I didnt realise how big he was. Also he had short lived success cos he disappeared in the mid 90s.

These Pretzels are making me thirsty


At the time, Arsenio was considered possible competition. And he did actually say he was going to "Kick Leno's Ass".

I think it was on the cover of EW, if I'm remembering correctly.

Needless to say, um...


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Although its certainly past it prime "The Simpsons" has probably had more classic episodes than any other show esp the in the first 10 years. Having said that I'm a huge Larry fan as well as Arrested Development,Frasier and Cheers.


Without Larry there'd have been no Curb, no 30 Rock, no Louis. Larry Sanders was a groundbreaker

