When I first got internet service, it was either season or season 5. I know I was around for the Season 5 finale but I don't remember how long I had been online at that time.
I wish to answer your question.
According to the fans on the email lists I was on (and I think some of the Powers That Be that were on the old AOL Boards) at the time when I first got online, It's called "Katana Space" The swords are inside a pocket inside the coat that makes them invisible. The way it was explained to me by a friend was that it was sort of like in another dimension until it was needed.
In my own mind, I have since used this explanation for other shows as well, such as "Where did Buffy pull that stake from?" "Oh it's just Katana Space again."
Like someone else has said, I just enjoy the show. Highlander has a lot of plot holes. I imagine that is due to the fact that they had so many writers. I think some of them were even freelance writers. If a show has steady writers, chances are the plot holes will not be that big. I'm not saying that there won't be any plot holes, just not real huge or a lot of plot holes.