MovieChat Forums > Highlander (1992) Discussion > Favorite Highlander Quote(s)

Favorite Highlander Quote(s)

The original thread is gone so I thought I would start a new one.

Connor facing Slan again on the bridge from "The Gathering" episode.

Connor- "Don't look so disappointed Slan. When was the last time you faced such an enthusiastic opponent?"

Slan- "Maybe you're right, this could be fun."

Puts on his mask.

Connor- "What still worried about that pretty face of yours?"

Slan- "Just protecting my most valuable asset."


"Revelation 6:8" after Duncan has beheaded Caspian -

upon entering Kronos's hideout, met by Kronos and Methos

Duncan: "The three horsemen of the Apocalypse, doesn't exactly have the same ring, now does it, Kronos?"


**To deny what/who I was is to deny what/who I am.**

what version: Darius
who version: Methos

No wonder they have a lot in common...


Duncan first meeting Methos on "Methos".

Duncan- "Are you Adam Pierson?"

Methos- "Duncan Macleod of the clan Macleod, have a beer. Mi casa es su casa".

Duncan- "Methos"!?


There are many favorites but this was the first to pop up....

[On the beach near Kristin's house.]

Methos: [to Kristin] Pick it up.

Kristin: Who the hell are you?

Methos: A man who was born long before the Age of Chivalry. Pick it up.

[Short sword fight. Methos beheads Kristin.]

Methos: [during the quickening] Someone had to.


Pretty much everything Methos ever said


Methos always got the best lines

"Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop."
