i'm glad the head doctor didnt die
he was a nice guy. meant well, wanted to help her but she just seemed crazy. she attacked him multiple times but he was cool with it.
sharehe was a nice guy. meant well, wanted to help her but she just seemed crazy. she attacked him multiple times but he was cool with it.
shareDr Silberman? He was cool. Played very well by Earl Boen.
Cameron had a knack for casting good actors in his films, even in the smaller parts. The two punks in the first movie that are the t-800's first victims were Bill Paxton and Brian Thompson, for example.
I hated the guy...
I've spent time in a psyche ward and also many years dealing with pompous, self-righteous psychiatrists trying to shove pills down my throat, and Dr. Silberman is so much like them it's uncanny. How he coldly denied Sarah minimum security made me want to punch him in the face. He still doesn't deserve death, though
He also filled his staff with perverts and sadists.
He was a comedy asshole in T1, but he was upgraded to a cruel scumbag in T2.
The shot of him dropping the plastic syringe cover as he sees the T-1000 morph through the metal bars is pure gold. All those years disbelieving Sarah and trying to ‘fix’ her shattered in a single moment.
i can totally appreciate why you hate them based on your experience. however, in the movie itself, sarah attacked him before and he thinks she's lying now. he's right, she was pretending to not believe it. so how's he the bad guy here? she attacked him and he didnt even try to get revenge.
shareI don't think he was truly interested in "helping Sarah." That was his marquee case. When hearing Reese in 1984, he was already wanting to build a career off of the situation. Of course he was going to say whatever to keep her there.
If Sarah said the world's going to end, she's crazy. If Sarah says she doesn't believe anymore, she's a liar.
i'm not gonna say you're wrong here. there's just not enough in the movie itself to say this is true. however, in real life, this is quite common. remember the feral girl? psychologist adopted her and when she realized she couldn't be cured, she dumped her back into the orphanage/psyche ward like nothing.
shareHe seemed like a bit of a smug asshole in both T1 and T2. He was in T3 as well, but that shit ain't canon.