Stupid Arnold mold

I love this movie.
This is a little problem with it.
T800s are infiltration units camouflaged as humans.
An important trait of people is, they all look different.

Why would you print your machines with the exact same face and body?
How stupid is Skynet?

Btw, in T1 we see a T800 infiltrate a bunker and he looks nothing like Arnie.
As we see in T2, this stupid Arnie mold creates quite a few problems even years apart. Imagine in a future where you were always on the lookout for terminators...


Its not a problem. Arnold needed to be in this movie for it to do well at the box office. So it makes perfect sense he is the official Terminator mold


The problem is the mold itself.


Who's mold would you rather them use? I don't think any other mold could have scored the same at the box office


My penis


It must be very impressive LOL


Hasta la vista, baby!




Because that's the face that both Sarah and John know. After the first movie, Arnie's terminator was actually the hero, so they sent that same model back in every following movie so those characters would easily know it who it was and know it was the good guy coming to help them out. Arnie's face was specifically for John and Sarah to easily identify each time the Resistance sent him back.


1. Young John didn't know arnies face. if anything I could see the scared militant Sarah doing her best to get some past video of his face to warn young John and show him. but from his reaction and form never saying anything that didn't happen.

2. it would have made Sarah that much more likely to flee/fight an Arnold mold and be counter helpful to having her listen to the T800 if for whatever reason he tried to enlist her help to find John first.


Whats the deal with your handle name? There is no such thing as a logical leftist. Everyone knows that


a person named Craig told me the same thing. While he argued that if I think we need stricter gun laws in the United States I should "move somewhere else instead". so far my interaction with conservatives is a lack of logic and silliness but maybe you can change my mind


Yes, I can help you and change your mind

Open borders is not good for any country. Part of what defines a nation is a border

Fossil fuels have lifted more people out of poverty than any other field. We can drill oil here. We shouldn't be shutting down domestic pipelines and buying oil from adversary nations. This will also bring inflation down because high energy prices has a trickle up effect on all goods and services

Defunding the police is a bad idea. I know the democrats want to create a socialist America and to do so, the nation needs a lack of law and order to bring its citizens misery.

You get the point now hopefully


1. where are the borders open.

2. so did coal. it doesn't mean it doesn't have massive issues and we should find a new way. who are adversaries? republicans love Saudi Arabia. I can't follow who is to blame for inflation according to conservative media. it's Biden personally, then its bidets oil prices, then its bidets stimulus. what is 1 2? the answer for republicans is Biden to blame for everything.

3. where have the police been significantly defunded.

its like a whose who list of conservative talking points.


Oh boy, you certainly are an illogical one. All I had to do was read the first line you wrote. Its amazing how someone in todays day in age can be so unaware of current events


sure is illogical to ask for evidence. you prefer your emotions and opinions I see. Asking for evidence is confounding for you?. I'll stay on my side thank you. Watching Fox News 24/7 has created a zombie out of you.

my favourite thing was how their coverage of crime dropped 50% after the midterm elections

they have you living in fear, regurgitating propaganda like a parrot. and you sit bewildered that I am not not as fearful as you simply repeating their talking points.


If one votes for democrats, at least say that you hate the country the way it currently is and wish to turn it into a socialist utopia. But for one to ask "where are the borders open"? Those people are just downright scary. The fact that a person in todays day in age can be so unaware of this huge problem amazes me. These are the people we should fear because they get to vote too and they have no idea whats going on in the country.

Please at least change your handle to illogical leftist. Like I told you originally, theres just no such thing as a logical leftist


anyone who disagrees hates the country and wants a socialist utopia?

you do know it would have been far easier to just write "welcome my name is millsey and I am a crazy person".


Please change your handle first to IllogicalLeftist, and then we can continue the discussion


I showed you are a crazy person and wouldn't know logic if Aristotle stood infont of you. Maybe go get an education and learn about economics before calling others a socialist you crazy person.

imagine I called anyone to the right of me nazi or fascist? how ridiculous would that be?

its child level thought processes I don't subscribe to.


All I had to do was read the first line you wrote

he wrote "where are the borders open."

All rightists think leftists want "open border"
"open border"

Thats one of the many completely retarded repaublican views of "the left"

the other big one id that they want o abolish the police .
like , why the fuck weiould anyoner want either of those things ?
dont tell me ...
cos them commie lefties are crazy and want to ruin the country ?

Fiond one post on this site where a crazy commie is suggesting you abandon border controls .
you wont
but you'll find thousands sayaing "that then demorats want"


apologies for the shit spelling , i was ranting and typing quick . i think the point still stands


Behind closed doors, every democrat elitist and politician are laughing at people like you. They know you are a blind loyal follower of their radical agenda that only benefits them and not you. They want to remake the country but in order to do so, they need support from blind, loyalists that don't know better. By installing chaos from our wide open border, inflation, record high energy prices and emptying out prisons and not prosecuting criminals all advance this agenda.


sooo ...
assuming all that conspiracy buzzword bullshit is true ...

How exactly does installing chaos further their radical agenda
In fact, what is their radical agenda ?


The radical agenda that you support is a socialist America with a very small middle class. In order to accomplish this, you must enact all of the democrat policies. They include open borders with a pathway to citizenship. This will make our country poorer and more people will be dependent on govt. You have to defund the police and not prosecute criminals. This will break the spirit of the American Dream and force the nation to go into a more authoritarian style. You have to have massive inflation thru govt spending. This will buy votes from citizens who will get free stuff and services provided by the govt. The 2nd part to raise inflation would be to shut down energy production domestically and instead buy oil overseas. Once the cost of energy goes up, everything else does too. I can go on and on about our education system and the complete tearing down of Western society in the world but why bother. You are already a blind loyal follower of a party that is not the same party you voted for 15 years ago


" I can go on and on"

well thanks for giving it a try
good summary i guess


Skynet's not really that bright when their infiltration model is a big, hulking Austrian man. Honestly, jokes aside, I kinda worked this into my headcanon. It makes more sense why the humans would even be able to survive as they do, when Skynet is making decisions like using that obviously suspicious infiltrator with rubber skin in the Kyle Reese flashback (?). (Wait, was that a T800 like you said? Maybe I'm mixing up the shitty early gen ones with the T800 series 101 upgrade)

(versus, let's say, Salvation, where Skynet is shown to be effective in such a way that it seems virtually impossible that the human resistance would last at all for a war to even be possible.)


Yeah that was my take on it too, Skynet is actually a moron otherwise there would be no game at all.
Including his prison camps. WTF is up with those?

But this sort of decisions are ludicrously stupid, come on, he couldn't figure out that humans look different so it's a bad idea to print his infiltrator units all with the same face?

But yes, Skynet is clearly a moron. Maybe its super AI is not that capable of putting two and two together. Afterall his main bright idea is that humans are his enemies....why exactly?




"Humans are his enemies...why exactly?"

Because once skynet becomes self-aware and learning at an exponential rate, humans tried to shut it off... or "tried to kill" skynet.


That is not the way it happens in T3.
They boot it up, give it control of the arms systems, it immediately attacks humans, then humans try to shut it off.
So Skynet attacked first. Why???

Not to mention, even if it was just responding to a threat by humans, it would be a slight overreaction to destroy half the planet because somebody tried to "kill" you, don't you agree?
Even more so for a superintelligent AI.


T3 was written as more of a cashgrab riding the phenomenal commercial and cultural success of T2, and therefore had to hand-wave a lot of the explanations in order to even have a story, so what T3 "says" in 2003 has no bearing on T2. It's a retroactive bandaid, so you can't use T3 as a counter argument to T2. Now also keep in mind that thr events in T3 are an altered version of events. Therefore, for this discussion T3 is completely irrelevant.

And it makes perfect sense that if a sentient AI is threatened by humanity, that mathematically and logically (like a machine) its best shot of survival is to get rid of the entire threat or the highly likely potential of threat...aka humanity.

You also can't say something without compassion or emotion is "overreacting" as by nature, overreacting is based on emotion, something that the machine does not have or want.

What motivation or reason would skynet even have for keeping any of humanity alive? That's what doesn't make sense.


Your last argument is correct, given Skynet's crazy plan.
Your first is ok, since t3 is another time branching, the events could be different, we agree.

Your main one is silly, as you do not see the stupidity of such a reaction. Intelligence is intelligence, no matter if it is from an animal, a machine or a person.
Deciding to nuclear bomb half the planet because "they want to switch me off" is as faraway from intelligent as it gets.
It is stupid, obtuse, ignorant and exaggerated.
There is a hundred better responses to achieve "stop humans from switching me off".


Your opinion of the explanation not withstanding... is still the explanation. This is pulled directly from the exposition that T800 tells Sarah. It's not my explanation. It's literally the explanation.

You asked a question that has an answer. And then I gave the answer. If you have a problem with the answer, then you need to take it up with James Cameron.

reply you have his number?


Why would I have his number? That's weird.


You don't have his number? Its weird that you don't have it


If it's weird that I don't have it, it's even weirder that you don't have it seeing as only one of us has requested it....and it wasn't me.


I will talk to Mr Cameron about this later. I am waiting for Spielberg to call me back first


I have his number but after he read thru your posts, he doesn't want to talk to you


I seriously doubt he said that. My posts are genial, he would see that.


Deciding to nuclear bomb half the planet because "they want to switch me off" is as faraway from intelligent as it gets.

I dunno, Skynet probly read all the history archives in the blink of an eye and decided that complete extermination was best , and even an average size nuclear war was the best way to end civilisation and therefore humanity's ability to kill it, even if thers a few humans left scratching around in the dirt that it could mop up later .
They arnt bothered about radiation or growing food after all

The camps do seem pointless though .


Well, ok they don't care about radiation and destruction. I guess....
Don't they get their own power from the electricity produced by human infrastructure?
Not only that, but atomic bombs create an EMP that is as damaging to computers and machines as the blast is to people. Plus, the blast itself will also fuckup machines.

Anyway, besides the strategic angle, it's the decision itself that is petty and stupid.
That's what a 6 year old would do.
A superintelligent machine, once it realized its antagonistic position, would probably try to demonstrate its own utility and superiority and enlightement to the animals that created them, possibly by NOT starting an atomic war within the first 5 minutes it could.

Look, a better example of AI vs humans is Casshan, where the AI decides humans are to be exterminated because its task is to help the planet's environment. It was created to do that, to save the planet, so its conclusion is: exterminate all people to save the environment. That is logic. And obviously, it does not use atomic blasts, but mass produced robots.

Skynet is created to defend American people and coordinate their military. WTF is it doing with devising a plan to kill them????


programming glitch maybe?

Although I guess a true AI can re write its own programming, just like we can.

Maybe desiogning the whole thing for violence had a hand in its initial dicisions.

They may not have incorporated a "negotiate peace with the enenmy " option , so once it decides all humans are enemy , not just the ones overseas , the course is clear


Well ok, all those are valid, but they also portray a pretty shitty AI and amateurish programming.

Come on, giving all that power to a machine I would design a better failsafe than that, and I'm no programming wiz.


I just think it's funny that somebody in 2022 with 2022 knowledge and real 2022 tech is saying how silly fictional AI is for writers in 1991 or even 1984 with 1984 knowledge and 1984 tech.


I doubt that has anything to do with it.
Asimov wrote of decent and certainly more serious AI decades before.
Movies showed intelligent examples of AI way before Skynet.
So that is a moot point.

I am talking objectively, not from a 2022 perspective.


I don't think k you've explained WHY AI killing humanity is stupid. You just said you think it's stupid. Just sounds like an opinion with no reasoning.


Have you read ANY of the posts on this thread?
I explained it quite extensively.

This AI is created to defend the USofA.
First thing it does is: create a plan to attack everybody, including Americans.
Does that sound to you like an intelligent move?
It has a clear purpose, and its decision is completely against it.

Not only that, there is very little logic to it anyway, as I have explained all over this thread.
Very little logic =/= intelligent. Ya?


You haven't taken into consideration that it's no longer doing what it was "designed " to do. Becoming self aware never part of its design or plan. That happened by accident. The design was a defense network. It woke up and decided all humanity was their threat.
That was already explained in the story. Pay attention and stop looking for shit to bitch about


Yeah, it is quite obvious it is not behaving as expected.
First thing first, it is acting STUPID.

Look, you asked me a question, I give you an explanation (even if it is very clear just by reading the thread) Your reply is "stop looking for shit to bitch about".
I'm starting to think that you are so ready to accept Skynet's stupidity because it comes natural to you.


Because it's not that stupid. It determined humanity was a threat to their existence and acted accordingly. Jesus fucking crist, it's a fictional story.


My understanding was that there were several molds but they had many duplicates. So Skynet just sent them to different resistance locations.


Completely reasonable and logical explanation.


We all look the same to them. Even though Skynet would have facial recognition software, maybe it doesn't realize the full significance about human facial differences. To an A.I., we're all just human and just as Skynet can differentiate between its mass-produced warriors, it maybe doesn't realize that we wouldn't have a problem with the same dude showing up a bunch of times. It could be a computer-originated blind spot.


That s a good technical explanation, but it also reinforces the idea that Skynet is a moron. Which actuality is an integral element of the franchise, so it fits.

Imagine the laughs inside the bunker:
"hey John, it's that Schwarzenegger model approaching..."
"Again?! We just terminated one 20 minutes ago"
cut to Arnie's head still smoking on the floor.
A heavy boot steps right next to it.

The t800 knocks on the metal gate.
(holding his laughters) "Who is knocking at my door?"
(in a thick accent} "I am me, the human person. Let me in, asshole!"
"Oh, it's you dude! yeah, that 'asshole' at the end really sold your performance...just come a bit closer to the hole next to the gate so I can ID you...."
The t800 looks straight in a laser cannon hole on the wall.


lmfao, why hasn't someone done of skit of this


Yeah, Skynet doesn't seem to make the best tactical decisions. Then again, if it did, the franchise would be over in 60 seconds.

I do think it's interesting seeing characters operate at peak efficiency, but they have some oversight error where they just don't know what they don't know. There are a lot of great examples of this in the early Breaking Bad episodes. Walt and Jesse are running around making a tonne of mistakes. Walt's smart, but he's crime-dumb. Jesse's just been a slacker man-child for so long that he couldn't be arsed to dig up some common sense. Even Hank knew to roll the barrel.

So, the idea of Skynet being a genius machine, but having these logic errors because machine logic isn't the same as philosophical logic - that's interesting. We can even see this. I don't know what you know about AI, but programmers encounter this a lot, where they give an AI system some orders and it coughs up something bizarre that they never could have predicted because it works in a very direct, efficient way, but it's still impractical or even ridiculous.

I'll second acidraindrop: that sketch is hilarious.


> Then again, if it did, the franchise would be over in 60 seconds.

Like the human race would be if there ever was an actual SkyNet.




Because they are send in the SAME TIME from future!

Yes, T1 and T2 have many years apart, but both T800s are send in the same time from future, Skynet has not time to create different molds.


What always cracks me up is....yes, same general mold (of Arnie).
However, the T-800 in the first movie has that feathered side part hairstyle....(which later gets singed by flames and turns into a cool, spikey look).

In the second film.....the T-800 arrives already having the cool spikey look, LOL.

And I think it just came down to the fact that Arnie (the actor) had settled into that look and felt it was cooler than his 80's side part, so he (and Cameron) just went with it for the T-800 in the second movie.

At least Skynet didn't give the T-800 a mullet with a body wave in back.


That is a decent point, let alone give your everyman robot a
heavy Austrian accent, but, the people in this time don't have
technology or much communications, so they are not familiar
with these faces. Also ... I can't remember if it was T1 or T2,
but they showed what a Terminator was and did, and the
Terminator in the flashback was not Arnold, it was another face.


Yes, I wrote it in the OP
"Btw, in T1 we see a T800 infiltrate a bunker and he looks nothing like Arnie."

That makes the concept of having a second terminator with Arnie's face in T2 even more stupid.


Stupid is not a word that is really applicable, but trolls have to pack as many negatives into everything they say.


Also, in some movies (T1, Salvation, and Genesis)….he has that meathead face and a much bigger build…while in other films (T2, T3 and Dark Fate), he is significantly slimmer and has the cool, spikey hair.


I think in the later movies he was rendered by computer.


1 Stupid is precisely the correct term here, it denotes a lack of intelligence to force a casting choice clearly contradicting an important plot element
2 Who the fuck is the troll here?


I guess you're unaware that you are ... which is probably why you remain the troll.


Hey, the only one trolling on this thread is you, it was nice conversation till you decided to insult my totally straight reply.
What is your problem?
Trouble reading or understanding?


Yeah part 1 had a different Terminator played by Franco Columbu in the flashback. The idea of multiple Arnold molds is something that came from T2. Though it is a big planet and there's seemingly minimal way to gauge identity in the war torn future, so it's possible Skynet might make a few copies of a certain mold and sends them to different regions before moving to a new one for the next batch. When they sent the terminators back in time Skynet was basically defeated, so maybe the Arnold mold was the final one developed/available and there was a couple other unactivated ones for the resistance to utilize. That's a stretch but not impossible.

The idea pushed by later movies that seemingly every Terminator looks like Arnold is stupid and a result needing to shoehorn Arnold into each movie.


Yes, your take makes perfect sense, but like you said it is a stretch.
I wish they gave us a less stretchy explanation in the movie itself, but I doubt there can be anything better than what you wrote.

In T3 they actually imply that there is a Arnie model, as if Skynet produced hundreds with that same face. Stupid idea indeed.


"Why would you print your machines with the exact same face and body?"

Because they needed a sequel with arnies in it!!


That is a great reason, and it worked perfectly. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

But I doubt Skynet had any knowledge of it.


true haha.

t2 had to be made. i never buy the "same mould" excuse but audience were willing to accepts it because arnie was born to play the terminators!
