Has anyone read the short?

I read it about a year ago. I've only seen parts of the movie. From what I remember about the end, the main teacher dude gets some book and does some satanic mumbo jumbo (makes a pentagram in the class room, cuts off his two index fingers as a offering) to summon some demon or whatever. It recreates the train thing and the demon takes them to hell or something. However as the teacher dude is leaving he gets a bad feeling that he shouldnt of summoned that demon dude to take care of the other kid ghost dudes. I thought that was a good ending, He was like "Oh crap I shouldn't of summoned that demon, and cut off my index fingers, How the hell am i going to dial a phone, or pick my nose or point at people." Does the movie end like that?

I recommend King's collection of shorts Night Shift, theres lots of good ones in that one. Everythings Eventual is really good too.


tell me tyrena were did you get the book some times they come back i have been looking for it what seems like forever can i get on the internet?


The SHORT STORY is called "Sometimes They Come Back", and it is found in a BOOK entitled "Night Shift", King's first short story compilation (that I am aware of). Many copies are available here. Happy hunting--and reading!


"You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse."


For once I liked the movie better than the story. The story in a stand along is good but translated into film you get the sequel and I just didn't think it worked. Death by tarot cards? Ick. I liked the cinematography of he original and just the overall feel of it. It's supposed to take place in Milford, CT and even while it was in Missouri, it still captured that spooky New England in autum feel that many of King's stories have that the sequel was sorely lacking.


I like the movie ending better too. I was this movie when I was really young, and the ending is what always stuck with me. When I read the actual story I was disappointed.


Yeah the Night Shift book has several movies made from it short stories such as Children of the Corn and The Manglar.



The whole "sometimes they come back.." line in the book had a totally different meaning than the movie. The movie presented the title as, like, ghosts from the past coming back because you won't let them die. And they DID comeback, a life for a life. The theme seemed more about facing your fears and your past head on to find resolution.

But the book's "sometimes they come back" DID reference how demons were decieving, and when you summon them, forces of darkness, they have a way of sticking to you. It was more of a, "damned if you do, and damned if you don't" type of thing. Kinda more hopeless an ending, cause you know him and his family are going to suffer in the long run because of it.


i read the story last night and can someone help me about the ending...

it seems like the demon and the greasers are going to come back.

The last statements is really mind moving...

*please help thanks*


I thought the movie was better than the story. Mostly because in the story the guys deaths are not caused by the the teacher dude and they just come back to haunt him for the hell of it.

Live Together, Cry Alone!


I read it I really noticed some diffs



Yeah, but I liked the movie better. It made more sense IMO.


crazy part is I remember the book more than the movie, usually it's the other way around, but I remember I really didn't want to read it because I thought the movie was kinda bad, but in the end the story became one of my favorites out of the collection.

