Has anyone read the short?

I read it about a year ago. I've only seen parts of the movie. From what I remember about the end, the main teacher dude gets some book and does some satanic mumbo jumbo (makes a pentagram in the class room, cuts off his two index fingers as a offering) to summon some demon or whatever. It recreates the train thing and the demon takes them to hell or something. However as the teacher dude is leaving he gets a bad feeling that he shouldnt of summoned that demon dude to take care of the other kid ghost dudes. I thought that was a good ending, He was like "Oh crap I shouldn't of summoned that demon, and cut off my index fingers, How the hell am i going to dial a phone, or pick my nose or point at people." Does the movie end like that?

I recommend King's collection of shorts Night Shift, theres lots of good ones in that one. Everythings Eventual is really good too.



Nah, I believe that he encourages the "demons" to return to the train tunnel to recreate the event, rather than the satanic(?) ritual that he completes in the original story.

Hope that helps,

JJ. :)


I've read the story too, it's actually quite different from the movie.

I'm alo aware the ritual was later used in the movie's sequel.

Spread The Fear,
Toyland Chairman


Cheers, Wallace :-)

Not seen the sequel ~ worth watching??

JJ. :)



Cheers for the reply, Cetheareth :)

I won't rush out and rent either of them just yet then!


JJ. :)



I remember in the movie, he gets the teen thugs in the tunnel, and his dead brother comes back to save him, and then it's all huggy and gooey "I miss you bro" "I love you bro" and like that, and big brother goes back to heaven or where ever.

In the story, he didn't summon his brother--he summoned a demon who appeared as his brother. That's why when he approached it and called it his brother's name, it grinned at him and changed, and he realized got more than he bargained for.

"You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse."



Yeah thats the trouble with demons, "You could perhaps summom them, perhaps cause them to do your work. You could even get rid of them.

But sometimes they come back."

Sorry, couldn't resist quoting the story.


From what I can remember in the short story, he cut off his index finger because by doing so as the final act in his ritual, he summoned a much bigger demon to take care of the other three that were taunting and threatening him and his family. By summoning the 'bigger' demon, the other three or however many there are are basically taken care of and eaten alive.

But, the problem with summoning a demon, is sometimes you can't make them go away. Hence, the title, and why the title of the story is more fitting to the short story, than the movie.

I enjoyed the movie, but I always liked the short story and it's ending better. It made you wonder what was gonna be in store for the main character, once the new demon he invoked started getting hungry.


I've heard about the story but I can't find which book it's in. Can someone help me out here? Thanks,



My all-time favorite Stephen King compilation, "Night Shift".


"You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse."


I read the story quite a while after the movie. To be quite honest, I like the movie better. Stephen King is one of my favorite authors, but I was dissapointed with the story. The movie is just.. better.

Also, I thought that the sequel was very good as well. They used more elements from the short in it, and it was gorier, but parts in it are very supenseful. And the tint they use whenever John is having flashbacks and talking to the preist are very intresting, and well used. The last half of the movie is pretty shocking in gruesome, and for that part of it, is the movie worth seeing.

The third movie sucked, though. Don't see it.


I just read this story today. It was probably better than the movie, as most of the books that are made into movies are. That's my belief anyway.



All I can say is I think the movie is better.



There were many differences between the story and the movie. In the story, Chip Conway is called Chip Osway, Vinnie has long hair, and is the tallest one from the gang, there is no David North but David Garcia, and other. Both of them, story & movie are very good. The different characters in the movie are pretty cool.


no i haven't read the short.

"Up yours with a twirlin' lawnmower" - A Nightmare on Elm Street


Where can I get this book?


I know I'm gonna get beaten for this, but, the second one was by far a lot better then the first. It was more scary and had more eliments that had been omitted from the first movie.


OH MY GOD!!! The Second one is Horse SH!T. The only thing worse than the second was the third. Those two movies are literally THE worst movies I have ever seen. Christ in a cartoon.

I liked the movie far better then the short story. I remember seeing it when I was little & loving it. I look forward to sweeing it evey Hallowe'en season but it wasn't on this year.
