MovieChat Forums > The Rapture (1991) Discussion > What the hell was with this movie?

What the hell was with this movie?

It started just fine, I was actually starting to enjoy it. But the ending suck. I can't be the only one who thought the ending was stupid and/or weird. Weak way to end a strong movie.


yeah, the first movie in a long-time that delivered what it dangled for the first hour and a half... weak?

over-their-heads budget wise? yes. Weak? NO WAY! I wish more film-makers would go out of the box and take that next step in a story like this...

visually needed some touching up... but conceptually, maybe the best movie ever made.


Absolutely in agreement. Though even what I gather now to be a 'budget' problem aesthetic (by reading about the movie), while watching it I read it as portraying the two dimensional nature of her life, or her life without belief, and at the end, when the sets became even more 'unsubstantial', this coincided with her loss of faith, or realisation. The sets equalled the pointlessness that underpinned the whole film. Soundtrack was incredible as well.
1991. Absolutely blown away. Definately in the too hard basket for Hollywood.


Terrible movie.

I have a vague memory of an interview with Micael Tolkin. He had been having extreme difficulty getting a film made. Out of anger and frustration he decided to write something that could not be filmed. It was snapped up immediately.

"Never eat yellow snow" 


The ending of this movie was quite profound. It made quite clear how absurd blind faith truly is. then when the main character finally had her eyes opened she realized how truly violent and self-serving god really is. The unfortunate thing for her was that it took her god asking her to kill her child to show her faith to him. Sound familiar? so much of this movie takes from actual stories from the Christian bible. Yet those who claim to be Christian refuse to deal with that fact.

This movie was not hard to understand. It was about a woman who went through life without religion, found religion, then followed said religion all the way to the end. And then at the end she realized how empty said religion/belief system really was. It no different than those who follow the muslim faith today blindly or the Christian faith blindly. You can live your lives following these belief systems until the day you die. yet on that day you have to face the reality of what you have decided to believe is the truth and is worth your total faith. This woman decided her faith was misplaced. And she had this epiphany when she was faced with having eternal life with this so-called god by simply saying she loved him/her after having been told to murder her child by said god. I agree with her. If some god told me to murder my child I would tell that god to go to hell. do what you wish with me. send my soul to hell. But I will not give you the pleasure of obeying your command to murder my child to boost your ego. How any person can point to the story of Abraham being willing to murder his son issac because his god told him to, so he could show how strong his faith was, is truly amazing and disgusting. Any person who did that today would be diagnosed as schizophrenic.

This movie was excellent in how it showed just how dangerous and damaging blind faith really is.
