MovieChat Forums > The Rapture (1991) Discussion > We are LIVING in The End Times NOW

We are LIVING in The End Times NOW

Now that I have everyone's attention - let me add a final word... NOT!!!

As much as I hate to 'disappoint' Christians and non-Christians alike - we are NOT in midst of the End of Days.

As much as we like to believe we are in a pivotal place in history - that we live in the darkest, deadliest of times - and that the End of Days are surely upon us - the truth is we live in the safest, cleanest, best time in history to be alive.

Yes, we still have problems. And yes, it's easy (and dramatic) to believe we face epic challenges the world has never seen before - but I'm sorry, statistics and even a little common sense do not bear this out. The crime rate is lower than at any point in history, global conflict is at its lowest point in history (seriously - Google it), and we have less disease and a longer lifespan than ever before.

And think about it - does anyone really want to go back and live in the time of the Black Plague or the Crusades? Don't like war? Want to go back to a time when Blacks had to drink from different water fountains and sit in the back of the bus? Want to live in a time before running water, sewage treatment plants, garbage pickup - and toilet paper?

Thanks - I think I'll stay here in the End of Days.


Perspective and frame of reference are everything.

Just a guess, but you must be from the ... United States?

Nothing dramatic about it. Just a way of life for many others.

Anybody remotely interesting is mad in some way


Absolutely. And yes - I am from the US.

Keep in mind, though, that my point is not that truly epic rants about what a horrible time we live in typically come from individuals in truly epic, horrible situations.

In fact, at least in my opinion - it is typically quite the opposite.

I think we may even be on the exact same page, my friend. In my experience, people from the US - where by-and-large disease, famine, and war pale compared to the rest of the world- are the most likely to proclaim they live in the darkest, most horrible time in history.

Not because people in the US are in fact living in the darkest of times - but because we have most time to whine about it.


Every time in history is pivotal. There are important crossroads today, just like all days - each path critical, each misunderstood.

What hump? 


Someone above mentioned perception, and that is the truth.

I suspect people with latent depression see this as the end of days without even realizing they're depressed.


I have the impression if you happen to be a Jehovah's Witness, you live in perpetual EOD.
It's their shtick, their raison d'etre, their sine qua non. Talk about a disinformation campaign !


what's with all the "this is not the end" drivels I keep stumbling upon wherever I go on the Internet as of late?
ok we get it. this is not the end. you thought nobody else had pointed it out already?


The world will be here for billions of years. Sure, humans might kill each other off, but don't expect God to help you.

After our species killed Christ, I wouldn't expect God to be that interested in saving any of us.

Plus, it's hilarious that Evangelicals are absolutely convinced that they would be spirited away during a Rapture. They're probably the least Christian of anyone on Earth.
