Laura San Giacomo

is particularly cute in this actually quite good Australian western. It reminds me of the impact she made in Sex Lies and Videotape which I've not seen for years and years - must find a copy.


I thought she was awful in this and horribly miscast. It's a good movie that could have been excellent with the right actress.


I guess we'll have to agree to disagree - but I find Laura San Giacomo very watchable at any time - possibly not the same for you?


I have to agree. I generally like her but she was terrible in this.


I think she did a good job in this as well. Played off Selleck perfectly. Never could figure if she was genuinely crazy or not. In the end it looked like she had just been playing the fool but still had my doubts.


She was fine in this movie. Perhaps the character was written a bit over the top, but that's not the actress's fault. I always thought San Giacomo should have been a bigger star. She was quite good in everything I've seen her in.
