Anything with Admiral Benson:
-What size shoe do you wear? (A nine, sir.) Good. It's settled, then. We'll send Harley to the front.
-I look out there at all you wonderful guys and I say to myself, "what I wouldn't give to be twenty years younger... and a woman.
-I love soup!... I think I love soup. Son of a b*tchin' shell, it's either soup or duck! Which one do you shoot? (Duck, sir...are you alright, sir?) Of course I'm alright, why? What've you heard?
-Many of you are wondering what's wrong with my pants: they started running short of material right before they got to the knees, so, don't give me any s**t.
-In exactly five hours, seventeen minutes, we hit the enemy toast. (I think it's the enemy coast, sir.) Coast? That'll take a little more planning, but it doesn't matter.
...and of course the scene with the doctor
-Nurse! Check his penis. Is it bigger than mine? (Uh, no.) Good! Now this is gonna hurt. *bites Dead Meat's nose*