MovieChat Forums > Hot Shots! (1991) Discussion > which part could you not stop laughing

which part could you not stop laughing

When he 1st talks to washout, when he walks up to him, and hes right in his face, i love that lol


The entire parachute and ambulance sequence was the best part of the movie in my opinion.

Another part of it I loved would be the nightclub scene. "Anybody here from out of town?" and the Eskimo waves.

"Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?" -- Dave Mustaine, Megadeth


When admiral benson tells everyone about his war stories and how he gets prosthetic body parts


Funniest part was when Topper walks out of Ramada's office and she tells him it is not safe out there and he says he can take care of himself and then after the door closes he gets the $#!+ electricuted out of him. Kills me every time.


When they're fighting enemy pilots, How they make fun of their accents. And at the end when charlie crashes vertically on the aircraft carrier in half a jet.


To me Loyd Bridges stole every scene he waa in.

Yeah, he's a professor... of being a dog!! Oooh, faced!


the bridges lines about his injuries, like the ceramic eyes, not being able to smell, etc. also, even though it was dumb, it was funny when he left the room, was going to come back and hit his head on the metal being carried by the guy behind him. he said "it's ok, i'll get that, it's probably for me".

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I was just watching hot shots on the fox movie channel, havent seen it in awhile but the part where lloyd bridges walks into the room with the pilots and says "at ease men" and every pilot strikes a pose and carry elwes has the scarf on just made me go hystarical.


I laughed my ass off when Valeria Golino says "You can do her too" and Sheen slips on the steps.

Oh, and the whole Dead Meat sequence with his wife.


I like the line 'Hey everybody, drinks are on me' And people come from everywhere.

"One day, lad, all of this will be yours"

"What, the curtains?"



From when that dude rings the doorbell all the way to when Topper unlocks all the locks and get's out of what sounds like a door had me laughing for ages.

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Elvis! When the movie ends you see Topper's dad, Goose & Elvis! LOL!!


The entire scene in the nightclub when Sheen and Elwes are arguing.

Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job to arrange the meeting.


When Washout gets ejected from his jet and he ends up in Dead Meat's...and Dead Meat stomps his foot on Washout's face and he falls and ends up landing safely with a parachute and then Dead Meat crashes!


I was seriously laughing for like 5 minutes after that!

"I'm in a hospital! What could go wrong!"

lmfao...great movie...16 years old and it's still making me laugh!

Comedy Gold!


Peace & Love,




"Nurse, check his penis - is it longer than mine?"

That whole parachuting sequence followed by the awful hospital scene had me rolling on the floor. Happiness.

"That is the whitest white part of the eye I have ever seen; do you floss?"


I crack up every time Lloyd Bridges falls down the steps on the carrier, pops up and claims he slipped on a crab. LOL!

"I slipped on a crab. Who put that crab there?"

For some reason, the way he delivers that line is hysterical.


In Sicily, Woman Are More Dangerous Than Shotguns



In Sicily, Woman Are More Dangerous Than Shotguns


Too many...

the drill seargeant part, the parachute, and every lloyd bridges scene, especially where he fell off that plane


Eagle River???


"Uh, we're uh, landing now, do you want to get out of the way?"


I love the scene when Topper and Kent are arguing in the bar.

"What is this macho thing?"

"He started it."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"You're behaving like children."

"He's being a jerk."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too, too, too, too

"Not not not not!!!"

"Are too times 10."

I love the whole singing scene in the bar. That is soo so funny. I thought they made up that song since i never heard of it. So when I was in Dallas and one of my friends got up and sang with the piano player. She sang this song.


The part in which people start coming out from everywhere after Kent Gregory (Cary Elwes) says Drinks on me! (or something close to that) was hilarious. I also laughed when one guy took off his mask, revealing the beak-like lower half of his face.


So many great gags. Some of my favorites:

1. In the nightclub, when Elwes tosses the cue stick into someone off screen.

2. Then afterwards when Ramada's purse crashes and you hear a girl scream: "MY EYE!"

3. When the bugler gets trampled and you hear him yell: "MY SPINE!"

4. "I've got my bike." "A loner?" "No, I own it."

5. "Wendy, I can fly!"

6. Topper going over the speed bumps.

7. Topper as Superman, when he can't shake the bird off his finger, then he grins at Ramada as if there's no problem.

8. Doorbell gag.

9. Walking about four steps to Ramada's place. "Well, this is it."

10. The "bloop" sound when Topper tosses his father's eyes in the ocean.

11. The mutterings during the opening crash landing in the woods: "There's the ground. It looks hard. Ow, fir! Oh, pine!"

12. Guy catching the football and falling over the edge of the aircraft carrier.

13. Handicapped person yelling at the pilot parking his jet in the handicapped spot. "Have you no DECENCY?!"

14. "At ease, men." Then Elwes donning the sunglasses and his scarf billowing in the breeze.

15. Just when you thought the "belly" gag was over... Topper adds the hash browns.

16. When Topper turns Dead Meat's wife around so she can't see Dead Meat's horrific death, and she sees it in the large mirror. "Oh, noooooo!"

17. After Topper and Elwes fight, and they call "Attention!" The way the mouth guard is sticking out of Elwes's mouth cracks me up every time.


My favorite parts...
-The big army guy is in his office, talking about the mission and everything, and outside, through the window, you see some soldiers dancing :D
-The brownies recipe in the ending credits
-"I have my father's eyes"
-When Topper starts to sing Only You
-When the cap fells from the boat :)

Can't think of more, this movie was a good surprise indeed!



One of my favourite scenes was the one when Lloyd Bridges talks to the painting in his office, thinking it's a window and saying it's quiet and noone's moving. That always cracks me up.
Another one would be the boxing match. I nearly choked to death from laghing when I saw the way one of the boxers simply droped down after an obvious punch in the air.



I like the part when they're talking in their quarters about "Eagle River" and Topper says, "What are you getting mad at me for? He's the one who ate your father!"


"If it helps, I didn't have seconds."

Deliverance- A Buttload of Fun!


yeah the soldiers dancing outside was my fav XD


that's a difficult choice.

1. definitely the "Learned this one from Paula Abdul."

2. The poor chuahahh (sorry, spelled that wrong.).

3. in the plane, the first time Topper has a panic attack in flight. "What was that?" "I uh... thought I saw Elvis." "...Let it go Topper, the King is gone." (gets me every time.)

4. When the two guys who were trying to destroy the planes got caught, and Topper just casually walked over to the net on deck, and released it, and one of the guys runs into it. "I can see my house from here!" MAJOR lol moment.

5. Same part, except when Admiral Benson jumped down, landing perfectly in front of the guy. "Admiral-" "You risked the lives of some damn fine men out there...that's MY job!" punches him, and he falls to the denist's chair. "Is it safe?" (although it took me forever to figure out what the dentist said!)


"What are you getting upset at me for? Hes the one who ate your father!"

The entire Dead Meat\Washout crash sequence (with the ambulance).

Any scene involving Loyd Bridges.

"Death solves all problems, no man no problem" - Stalin


The part where Topper is trying to get the attention of his Indian friend. He doesnt respond so you think he's in some deep kind of thought. Topper shouts his name again and this time the Indian responds, taking previously hidden headphones out of his that show all the time he was listening to 'can't touch this' - lol!!


I love all the scenes that have been mentioned but my favorites were the spoofs of two of my favorite movies:

"Admiral Benson: Pete 'Dead Meat' Thompson is dead. So is Mo Green, Tataglia, Barzini, the heads of all the five families."

LOL!! When I first saw this it caught me by surprise and I couldn’t stop laughing.

The Rocky spoof also had me laughing for five minutes.



"Nurse, check his penis - is it longer than mine?"

"Hey, why are you upset at me? HE'S the one that ate your father!" - My personal favorite part of the movie

"Here's a story, of a man named Brady!" army chant

The "is like having sex with your sister" schpiel, totally random and the guy just wasn't having it!



My fav is where the truth comes out about the crash that led to the "hunting accident". Ryan Stiles is a hoot. I also love all their pilot nivk names. Specially the "enemy" pilots.


I would take the time to list out all of my favorite parts, but its easier to just say that any seen involving Cary Elwes is hysterical.


Get Leigh And James back for Saw V!


There are a lot of funny scenes, especially the soldiers dancing outside the window :D The argument between Charlie and Cary is hilarious too.

