So SPOILERS - they shot up that house simply because...
... Danny Glover's character wouldn't let them guys steal that man's Lexus car? And he spoke to that man in charge who sort of let him take it and gave his permission?
Besides, since that car has actually BROKE DOWN, even if they WERE to take it, it wouldn't run so why the need to hold this strong a grudge against him to the point of desiring to spray his house via drive-by shooting with machine gun fire?
Which could at least also draw more attention to them and if they hurt or especially killed any family members there, they would be wanted for murder.
So why not just allow it and let it go even as criminals given those circumstances? Or was the shooting also a way for them to warn Glover's character but then again neighbours saw and heard those shots and someone surely called the police.
Or was there another reason for them to shoot up that house besides holding a grudge for interfering and not allowing them to take away the car? Which as it was broken wouldn't even run if it wasn't fixed etc? Cheers.