how is part 2 worse than this?

alot of people hate on part 2, really?
have they not seen this one

reasons to hate

the story: sucked
characters: none worth caring for, none interesting enough to watch.
the make-up: freddy looked like rubber
comedy: too much and it was terrible
the mood: not eerie or creepy in the slightest, you know like in a horror movie
the lighting: kind of good, i knew i wasn't watching a soap opera.
celebrity cameos: other than alice cooper, i wish it never happened
music: omg it blew, songs sucked, score sucked

freddys revenge sooooooo tops freddys dead
story: bad
characters: interesting to watch,
make-up: *beep* rocked, freddy looked great, freddys explosion from jesie was
awsome, for 1985
comedy: not much, whats there doesnt take much time to forget.
the mood: dark, eerie
lighting: great, darkly lit.
celebrity cameos: no tom and roseanne so heyl yeah.
music: great score, not quite the original, but good in its own right.

the bad: not enough kills


I agree. I'm one of the people who actually liked Freddy's revenge, I don't see why it gets so much hate, but this, omg, this was AWFUL.

"This isn't a thimble, it's Turkish nipple armor."


there BOTH equally awful!!!


Nah, Part 2 is an elbow above Freddy's Dead. At least Freddy was actually scary. From what I can tell, it seems like people are heavily prejudiced against Nightmare 2 for the same reasons:

-male lead
-takes too long for people to start dying
-Freddy crashing a pool party

P.S. I didn't realize until about my 10th viewing of Nightmare 2 that there are no female victims in this movie until the very last scene. How unusual.


I agree. Nightmare 2 is miles scarier than Freddy's Dead.


I absolutely hated Freddy 2, it was so bad. My opinion, worst of ALL the sequels. Freddy 4 comes pretty darn close.


I agree. I'm one of the people who actually liked Freddy's revenge, I don't see why it gets so much hate, but this, omg, this was AWFUL.

I sort of like Part 2 but when I first saw it at age 17 I didn't. I think it's mostly just that people wanted a sequel with Nancy and New Line for some reason didn't want that. But then when a lot of people hated on it for that reason they did part 3 with Nancy. I will agree it's not that bad. I actually liked this one as well. I liked them showing Freddy's past. I also liked the character of his daughter. Plus some things were pretty funny like Freddy using an NES to control and kill someone. It isn't as good as the first 3 which to me are the best of the series.

Green Goblin is great!


Part 2 is way better than this POS. I would say it goes worse to better "Freddy's Dead," "Dream Child," "Freddy's Revenge . . . "


Funny thing about Part 2 to me is/was when I caught wind of a TV spot running during the release of Nightmare 2 and the clip they showed was of Freddy, where he rips off his skin and reveal (you know the rest), I was absolutely terrified and I was only 3 years old, lol.

Part 2 just looked scary to me in general (along with the VHS cover-art) as a horror film and to this day I stand by it. I watch part 2 from time to time and I feel its still really scary, at least my girlfriend thinks so :)


Opinions are like @ssholes my friend, and I'm sure as hell not going to judge you for using yours, but one thing I do disagree with is your opinion that there isn't much comedy in Part 2. I honestly don't think I've laughed more in a film. It was just painfully funny in places. I couldn't take it seriously, it was woefully bad in every department, the plot was bobbins, but the whole thing reeked of... Nonsensical. And some of the stuff Jesse said/did was comedy gold. But the film is pretty divisive.

Personally I'd rank this one third favourite, behind the first and the third one. I thought it was funny, and although it didn't really tie the films together (this was the fifth time Freddy died after all), it was fun while it lasted. I think the fact that none of the Elm Street films have actually scared me means that this one wasn't exactly mourned when the silly computer game thing came up (that too was hilarious).

Just my @sshole yacking.


My blog, if you're interested; [email protected]



I don't think all horror movies have to be totally the same. Like when the OP says something like, "Dark like a horror movie is supposed to be"

they don't all have to be the same to be disturbing.

Personally I think this movie is the MOST disturbing movie in the series, it might not be scary in the traditional sense but it is defintily disturbing, All I have to do is mention Carlo's and Tracie's scenes and you prolly know what I'm talking about.

Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.


I know!

I still can't believe this film has a 4.7!? Nostalgia I bet. I mean, it's a cool experiment, but also a failed one. Part 2 is dark and subversive. This? Man, I thought Part 5 was awful... until I watched Part 6. Like... it's not nonsensical. Like a dream I guess, but not a very fun/thrilling one. Part 2 may even be my favorite sequel of the bunch.

I review horror films at:
1000 with pics!


I agree this was a mess of a film. Typical early 90's horror movie, they just made comedy horror back then and mostly all of horror movies sucked.


I actually like both Part 2 and Part 6. Other than the remake, I don't think a bad Nightmare on Elm Street film exists. I don't mind horror comedies all that much. If people want a serious NOES film, the first and New Nightmare exist. This film may have been a parody of the series rather than a serious sequel, but it was still fun to watch for me.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


I can't think of a MORE cringeworthy scene in the ENTIRE series then Freddy playing *beep* NINTENDO and yeling things like "great graphics" and "I beat my high score!"...not to mention Spence bouncing around with cartoon sound FX...ugh! SERIOUSLY...UGH!!!!! When I saw this in THEATERS (yes, went to see this in theaters), I remember how embarrassed I was by that scene!

part 2's was what? Jessie dancing to Touch me (All night Long) in his room?!? I'll trade that scene for 6's Nintendo scene anyday 'o the week!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


I agree with you there! The lowest rating I've given a ANOES film is 6/10 (Freddy's dead) I like all of them. Not including the remake of course... I pretend that doesn't even exist (1/10)


A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 is the only non-Langenkamp entry in the series that is almost good. Parts 4, 5, 6, and Freddy vs. Jason are all complete trash.

I want to live in a world of magic and miracles, not emptiness and entropy.


I always found Freddy's Revenge a vastly underrated and complex follow-up. Sure, it's far from perfect, but it had a lot of interesting ideas and notions that it brought up, and it's one of those films where the subtext can be really analyzed thanks to the behind-the-scenes details. It's not great, but it's about a 7 out of 10 for me.

Whereas this film was complete and utter trash to me. Maybe a 3 out of 10... and that's being generous.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?
