John Hughes admits this movie was made by a pig
After my super controversial (and super wrongly titled) thread "John Hughes was a pig" I did some research on this movie. John Huges wrote and produced it but did NOT direct it.
In the wikipedia page for CO it's reported that Hughes himself was unhappy with this film, and said the film was "a disappointment" because "I didn't have my usual creative controls." Hughes later claimed the film was "cheap and vulgar" and that his suggestions were ignored. He says he tried to take his name off the film but Universal refused.
So, he agreed with me, that it looked like it was directed by a pig, and he didn't want anything to do with it. I'm reporting his opinion as a reply to all the people here "defending" this piece of pig filmmaking.
(BTW, I blame 100% Movie Chat for not writing the name with the link of the director on the movie page, it's totally stupid and unacceptable on MOVIE chat. Movies are made by directors).