Actually, something like this did happen in real life, insane as that sounds. I saw this incredible documentary on Netflix (with actors re-enacting parts of it) a few years ago about a vaguely similar story that took place in France during the reign of King Henry II (1600s). The story is so crazy that that there's no way anybody could have made this up.
The King was given the gift of a caged young "wild man" (who was actually a Spaniard who had that genetic disorder that makes one's whole body hairy), and the king was surprised that this guy wasn't a wild beast like everyone thought. He then gets this fun idea of experimenting with his new "pet," seeing if the guy can be raised in the royal court, educated, turned into a gentleman. Not only that, he has the Queen (who is the formidable Catherine de Medici) go choose a woman she deems strong enough to handle not only being married to the "tamed wild man," but can bear children for him.
She chooses a lovely young lady, who doesn't get to meet her bridegroom until their wedding day. You can imagine the reaction on her face when she sees him for the first time. They indicated in the re-enactment that she fainted at the sight of him. The wedding did go through, but things didn't go so great on their wedding night. Even creepier, the King's scientists were being total perverts and observing the whole thing through the wall, but the bride wasn't exactly cooperative towards her "monstrous" husband.
The narrator did say something changed later between them, and they did eventually fall in love. They ended up having 7 kids, 4 of which were hairy like daddy. Sadly, those children were taken from them and given as "gifts" to other royals who wanted unusual people to parade around in their entourages. Eventually the couple settled down in Italy, but the truth was, their story is a tad bit tragic.