MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1991) Discussion > What if something like this happened in ...

What if something like this happened in real life?

Seriously, what if in real life someone was cursed and turned into a beast and had all of the people living inside turn into objects and have inanimate objects come to life like that, what would it be like?

Also, why DOESN'T this type of magical stuff EVER happen in real life and why is it only the stuff of fictional, and in Disney's case, animated, fantasy?



Because reality is reality and it's not possible to turn a person into something like a clock, candle, or tea pot? Seems pretty self explanatory.

Thanks for the thread anyway, brotendo.


True, but why doesn't magic of this sort exist in reality and if it did, what would happen?


Also, in this movie, when Maurice for instance enters the castle, except for its creepy appearance and the big Beast that turns up later, he doesn't seem to freak out or go into shock out of seeing those creepy objects being alive, the candle, the Clock, the teapot and tea cups etc and even finds them cute, same more or less for Belle later on.

But I bet in real life, were this to happen, people will go into shock and possibly need therapy later on, come to think of it, and when those objects return back into their human form, how do they get over their PSTD so easily or does lifting the curse heal mental wounds as such as well?


This world is run by a different kind of magic we call Physics.


"Also, why DOESN'T this type of magical stuff EVER happen in real life"

Because it would go against all the rules of physics.


2 Stratego - so are we then supposed to treat the "Beauty and the Beast" (1991) Disney cartoon animation as a fairytale fantasy and nothing more, certainly NOT in way(s) that relate it to real life as we know it at all, and use only fairytale logic to judge and approach all the magical stuff that happens there, right?

Come to think of it, in real life, there actually HAVE been moments of sci-fi and fantasy we may have seen in THOSE films, including aliens landing on Earth and people telepathically bending spoons and possibly a few others, like people being shot in the head and NOT dying etc.

Plus, most of us human beings seem to have gained consciousness through some kind of angels flying around here and there, and where DID human beings gain al that IMAGINATION about the magic and any kind of ghosts and inanimate objects coming to life by magic and all of that?

And also Stratego, since (and it IS a compliment btw) you happen to be very clever and not lacking at all in any information, and you DO have enough confidence to talk about many things here, if you have time, feel free please to reply to my last 'recent' thread over here about whether or not the term 'bestiality' even CAN be considered appropriate to describe the relationship between Belle and Beast here and why/why not, and if you can somehow tie it down to all those enchanted objects and people turned into them it would be a bonus, thanks. :) :) :)


"so are we then supposed to treat the "Beauty and the Beast" (1991) Disney cartoon animation as a fairytale fantasy and nothing more, certainly NOT in way(s) that relate it to real life as we know it at all, and use only fairytale logic to judge and approach all the magical stuff that happens there, right?"


While I'm indeed very, very clever, I'm sure bestiality is more your area of expertise. I'll leave that one up to you.


Hahahaha, :), you have got me there mate. Lol. :)

But seriously, I was personally just evaluating other comments here and elsewhere who suggested it is that, just as there were many who argued whether or not Belle's relationship with Beast really CAN be considered "Stockholm Syndrome", even if indeed he did NOT go all the selfish evil way to capture her the way real captors do and that he ONLY did it in order to attempt to somehow break the spell before true love surfaced and completed all the rest and the fact that he WAS a human that was cursed and whatnot.

I dare say, maybe some 10 years ago, the topic would've "in a way been my area of expertise" but now I keep it all short and sweet, and I for one believe indeed that bestiality isn't the appropriate term here just like Stockholm Syndrome isn't either, but yes you do seem to be quite a clever user who also seems to have analyzed this animation a lot.

By the way Stratego, have you seen "The Enchanted Christmas" and "Belle's Magical World", 2 animated sequels to this? What are they like and more importantly, how do they follow up or continue this story, for they also reveal MORE enchanted objects or humans that turned to them like books, oven gloves and even an axe along with some Witch who tries to kill Belle? Seriously, what IS all of that about, do you know? Thanks. (And for the record, I haven't yet seen either Beauty and the Beast sequel yet.)


As a jokey punchline, maybe someone can reveal something similar happening in real life?


Yes, I've very much analyzed this movie, probably to the point of overanalyzing it. I agree that bestiality and Stockholm Syndrome are not appropriate terms to refer to this movie.

I'd love to help you out, but I've never seen the sequels either and I refuse to do so. They look like utter shit. All I know about them is hearsay.


>Come to think of it, in real life, there actually HAVE been moments of sci-fi and fantasy we may have seen in THOSE films, including aliens landing on Earth and people telepathically bending spoons and possibly a few others, like people being shot in the head and NOT dying etc.

None of that actually happened except for people not dying after being shot. Apperently out brain can resist quite a bit of damage.

>Plus, most of us human beings seem to have gained consciousness through some kind of angels flying around here and there

The what now? I dont even know how to respond to that.

>where DID human beings gain al that IMAGINATION about the magic and any kind of ghosts and inanimate objects coming to life by magic and all of that?

Humans have been creating fiction for as long as they knew how to store information via cave paintings. Its a trait of intelligence. Animals are imaginative too and can solve puzzles, we cant exactly ask them if they think of fantasy worlds.



Actually, something like this did happen in real life, insane as that sounds. I saw this incredible documentary on Netflix (with actors re-enacting parts of it) a few years ago about a vaguely similar story that took place in France during the reign of King Henry II (1600s). The story is so crazy that that there's no way anybody could have made this up.

The King was given the gift of a caged young "wild man" (who was actually a Spaniard who had that genetic disorder that makes one's whole body hairy), and the king was surprised that this guy wasn't a wild beast like everyone thought. He then gets this fun idea of experimenting with his new "pet," seeing if the guy can be raised in the royal court, educated, turned into a gentleman. Not only that, he has the Queen (who is the formidable Catherine de Medici) go choose a woman she deems strong enough to handle not only being married to the "tamed wild man," but can bear children for him.

She chooses a lovely young lady, who doesn't get to meet her bridegroom until their wedding day. You can imagine the reaction on her face when she sees him for the first time. They indicated in the re-enactment that she fainted at the sight of him. The wedding did go through, but things didn't go so great on their wedding night. Even creepier, the King's scientists were being total perverts and observing the whole thing through the wall, but the bride wasn't exactly cooperative towards her "monstrous" husband.

The narrator did say something changed later between them, and they did eventually fall in love. They ended up having 7 kids, 4 of which were hairy like daddy. Sadly, those children were taken from them and given as "gifts" to other royals who wanted unusual people to parade around in their entourages. Eventually the couple settled down in Italy, but the truth was, their story is a tad bit tragic.


If were lucky - SCP style containment. If were not lucky, the beast would be shot by some scared asshole and the rest of castles staff would be sold to rich people as curiuosities.

It does not happen because magic is not real.


That's why its considered an animated fantasy and not a documentary
